Biloxi bound, pls PM

Finn Dog

Well-Known Member
Actually there's nothing to say that can't be said publicly (if that tells you anything!).

Unfortunately, nearly all of the 12 area-casinos have gone to H17 (except some High Limit rooms) on DD and 6D in the last 6 months or so. Any that haven't would be small stores that sweat chunky Red.

Therefore, because all HA's have worsened by .20%, it's difficult to find a playable game without increasing your spread to above normal--which might prove difficult, given Biloxi/Gulfport wasn't known as the most heat-free environment to begin with (they use S.I.N.).

Point being: there are greener pastures elsewhere.

RIP Biloxi.
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Well-Known Member
Finn Dog said:
Unfortunately, nearly all of the 12 area-casinos have gone to H17 (except some High Limit rooms) on DD and 6D in the last 6 months or so. Any that haven't would be small stores that sweat chunky Red.

Point being: there are greener pastures elsewhere.

RIP Biloxi.
As you know, I play mostly in Louisiana. Are you saying I would be disappointed by making a trip to Biloxi? About a 10 hour drive for me.

Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
I'm considering taking a trip along the Gulf Coast, but would I be better off to forget it? I get into some very light (nearly translucent!) black action, but I'd prefer to have table mins below $25. H17 is fine with me (not in principle, but from a practical standpoint), but it'll only be workable with LS and decent pen. PMs are welcomed, and yes, I know I can order a copy of the latest CBJN. I did, and it will arrive when the next issue is out. Thanks!

Finn Dog

Well-Known Member
tribute said:
As you know, I play mostly in Louisiana. Are you saying I would be disappointed by making a trip to Biloxi? About a 10 hour drive for me.
Depends on what you're after: if you want to play anon and hit and run with a larger than normal spread to compensate, that's cool. On the flip side, it's also beautiful place for a rated vacation, but .20% is .20%: even the dealers will tell you they win more now for the house by hitting Soft 17 vs. before! :eek:

I'm just speaking from the perspective of those of us who played the 0.26 HA 6D & 0.19 HA DD games before the H17 Cancer spread; used to be the Biloxi games were better than Vegas, now the reverse is true.

But keep in mind, some of those greener pastures can be found in those other locations we've spoken about before. :grin: PM if nec.

Best regards,

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Well-Known Member
Lonesome Gambler said:
I'm considering taking a trip along the Gulf Coast, but would I be better off to forget it? I get into some very light (nearly translucent!) black action, but I'd prefer to have table mins below $25. H17 is fine with me (not in principle, but from a practical standpoint), but it'll only be workable with LS and decent pen. PMs are welcomed, and yes, I know I can order a copy of the latest CBJN. I did, and it will arrive when the next issue is out. Thanks!
PM when you get close to going...(you can probably forget LS)