Blackjack 6-7-8 Software

Can somebody help me with choosing casino software?
Is Blackjack 6-7-8 Software good ? I need Basic strategies + variations depending on true count (Hi-lo), optimal betting, simulations, etc. Something that help me be ready for any casino and any rules.
For casino conditions is better Trackjack or Current BJ News ?
Thank you.:joker: :joker:
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Well-Known Member
Good Software

Blackjack Statistical Analyzer.

In my opinion the best software out there. Easy to use, and extremely fast.

Industry standard and the most popular is Casino Verite CVCX, CVData, CVShuffle.
This is what you REALLY need -

You don't really need all that sim-power, this is what you REALLY need - drilling + risk navigation. zg


Ne Plus Ultra and Practicum by Victor Shelley
The most unique blackjack training software packages on the market today since it will improve your card counting skills. Includes drills to improve counting, true count conversion, deck estimation, play variations, count indices, etc. Use the built in count or create your own balanced or unbalanced count. Newer versions now include the companion Practicum "play" upgrade. Excellent graphics and includes several unique practice and analysis features. Now available on CD which includes the 70 page manual. Editor Note: This is a highly recommended and unique training tool and with the price drop (formerly $120) an absolute best buy! Until SmartCards was available I gave this software my Best Blackjack Training Tool award.
WIN95/NT/XP (ON CD) $40.00 Special: $37.99 - CD / MANUAL ON CD


SmartCards by Extreme Blackjack
SmartCards provides the best card counting training available anywhere. It is not a home blackjack game, but a professional software tool that builds the skills you need to beat the game consistently. SmartCards does this by providing a large range of exercises and practice environments. It supports virtually any card counting system, with features not found in many other practice programs.
WIN95/NT/XP (ON CD) $59.95 Special: $54.95 - CD + PRINTED MANUAL


Blackjack Risk Manager 2002 by John Auston
A "calculator-type" utility program that automatically and instantly performs several complicated blackjack risk-related statistical calculations, providing you with the facts you need to manage your blackjack "risk." Don Schlesinger comments, "Every blackjack player, on every level, should own this magnificent piece of software. It contains virtually every feature, has built in virtually every important formula you will ever need to play blackjack as perfectly as it can be played." This software is also available by Web download or Email delivery. MORE INFO
WIN95/NT/XP $75.00 Special: $73.95 - WEB / EMAIL DELIVERY
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Well-Known Member

A few words on practice philosophy. Computer practice consists of drills and playing the game. I strongly believe that drills are an important part of any training regimen. In the latest update, Casino Verite contains 37 drills with dozens of options. However, there is a problem with drills. They become incredibly tedious after a short while. That is the reason that I change the look and feel of CVdrills now and again. It’s also why I added Internet drills to add a bit of competition and allow comparison with others. Another problem is that drills generally allow you to practice only one or two skills at one time.

Games have the advantages of less tedium and practicing multiple skills at once. But, the problem with the games is that they present you with the same easy hands over an over. The games may be more fun; but 98% of your practice time is wasted.

My solution to this is to turn the game itself into a drill. CV V4 includes five different deck biases. Instead of using a random shuffle, you can be presented with rapidly increasing or decreasing counts, many card hands, a larger percentage of difficult hands and hands that you have had difficulty with. The software looks at your errors and increases the times that you will see the same situation. You can also set it to randomly switch between biases for a real workout. The idea is to allow you to play a game but to make better use of your practice time by making it much more difficult than random play. The game itself becomes the most difficult drill.


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
You don't really need all that sim-power, this is what you REALLY need - drilling + risk navigation. zg


Ne Plus Ultra and Practicum by Victor Shelley
The most unique blackjack training software packages on the market today since it will improve your card counting skills. Includes drills to improve counting, true count conversion, deck estimation, play variations, count indices, etc. Use the built in count or create your own balanced or unbalanced count. Newer versions now include the companion Practicum "play" upgrade. Excellent graphics and includes several unique practice and analysis features. Now available on CD which includes the 70 page manual. Editor Note: This is a highly recommended and unique training tool and with the price drop (formerly $120) an absolute best buy! Until SmartCards was available I gave this software my Best Blackjack Training Tool award.
WIN95/NT/XP (ON CD) $40.00 Special: $37.99 - CD / MANUAL ON CD


SmartCards by Extreme Blackjack
SmartCards provides the best card counting training available anywhere. It is not a home blackjack game, but a professional software tool that builds the skills you need to beat the game consistently. SmartCards does this by providing a large range of exercises and practice environments. It supports virtually any card counting system, with features not found in many other practice programs.
WIN95/NT/XP (ON CD) $59.95 Special: $54.95 - CD + PRINTED MANUAL


Blackjack Risk Manager 2002 by John Auston
A "calculator-type" utility program that automatically and instantly performs several complicated blackjack risk-related statistical calculations, providing you with the facts you need to manage your blackjack "risk." Don Schlesinger comments, "Every blackjack player, on every level, should own this magnificent piece of software. It contains virtually every feature, has built in virtually every important formula you will ever need to play blackjack as perfectly as it can be played." This software is also available by Web download or Email delivery. MORE INFO
WIN95/NT/XP $75.00 Special: $73.95 - WEB / EMAIL DELIVERY
For card counting practice you recommend those over Casino Verite? This is the first I've heard of these trainers. I had planned on buying Verite until I saw this post.


Staff member
Typical snake oil worthless crap, with a $60 price tag.
Oh, by the way, tell your friend that it's 'chauffeur', not 'chaufferer', and 'theoretical', not 'theoritical'.


Well-Known Member
IvanChelovekov said:
i know its of topic but whatt do u think about this book ?(Dead link:
Looks like basic strategy plus some sort of betting scheme being hawked for $59.00. They have a terrible command of the English language and won't run their copy through a spell checker. Snake oil, yes indeed.