Blackjack Bluebook II by Renzey

Okay, I started by reading "Winning Casino Blackjack for the Non-Counter" by Cardoza. This was a very good book for me. It brought a newbie like me up to speed pretty quickly. It started my journey with basic strategy.

Next, was "The Color of Blackjack" by Dravot. This book was good because it introduced me to counting in a simplified way.

Finally, based on recommendations by others on this forum, I tried "Blackjack Bluebook II" by Renzey. This book is superb. It starts by explaining basic strategy. It not only presents BS, but it also tries to explain it. Renzey talks about the myths of BJ. I loved this section of the book. It continues with extending BS. Finally, it continues to various counting techniques. I hate to sound like an advertisement for this book, but I think if you were to buy one book on BJ, this should be it.


Well-Known Member
And it's also very cool that Fred is a member of this website-and is great about answering questions we may have.:joker: