Blackjack Tournaments


Well-Known Member
Is anyone a fan of these? I've never entered one but I read about one going on at the Sahara and the details sounded enticing so it made me curious. The only drawback seemed to be that you had to get a player's card and show ID to enter. Are there other drawbacks to them? Is playing in them a waste of time or even stupid? Just wanted to get the grizzled vet point of view.


First of all...

... why would you be hesitant to obtain a Sahara p-card?

Secondly, to more precisely answer your queation, do you know anything about tournament play? zg

Sun runner

Well-Known Member

Generally, I think tournamnets can be a great way to build/grow a bankroll. They usually require little if any entry fee, if given any time at all to preperation and study you are a better player going in than at least half the field, and some of the payoffs can be substantial.

If you are a 'grizzled veteran', already have a decent BR, can make better use of your time, wish to keep your identity private .. then maybe not so much.

Look at the tournament you are comtemplating. If you could place in the money four out of ten times .. would it be worth it? I think that is easily doable.

BTW, personally I think the idea that playing in a tournament automatically 'outs' you to the pit is a little too paranoid. Many times the people winning the local BJ tourney is some mom or pop who got lucky. If they don't know you previously at the tourney stop you should be able to come off just like that -lucky.

One last thing -this may be a little bizzare, but so what -I was watching the WSOP (1st prize $7.5 million, are you kidding me!) and heard someone say something like 'this is the modern day gold-rush.'

I think they are right and, I think it applies to BJ tournaments today. Some of these local tournaments have prize pools of a couple hundred thousand dollars being paid out over just seven or fourteen places. There is one I'm aware of in 2006 where first prize is $400,000, and it is no where NEAR the Hilton.

An advantage player goes where the advantage is. It used to be straight SD BJ in Vegas. Recently, bonus hustling the 'net was big. I think now, right now, BJ tournaments have a big positive EV for good players.

I'd 'out' myself for $400,000.

:) Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I'm not hesitant...

I've just never signed up for any player's cards before. Cellini's article about them sort of turned me off to them.

And no, I don't know much about tournament play.


Well-Known Member
I've never...

particpated in a tournament at a casino of any sort. I once watched a Pai Gow tournament for several minutes at the Hilton, but that is as far as my experience goes.


Several good tourney books...

... now exist - start with Wong's Casino Tournament. And in the meantime, describe the Sahara tourney rules - prize pool, entry fee, etc. and we can analyze. Do you count? If so, what system? zg


Well-Known Member
As far as I know...

$25 buy-in, $10 re-buy, includes buffet comp. 1st $1,000, 2nd $500, 3rd $250 and 4th and 5th also win money I believe. I think there are 3 rounds, each consisting of 20 hands and then a final round.

I am still trying to get really good at Hi-Lo. I would like to begin to study other systems as well.


Oh, these are mini tourneys...

... there are several around town weekly... good opps to learn tourney play (AFTER YOU READ UP ON THE STRATEGY!) BTW, counting is of NO USE in a tourney, its based on a different principal... but its still skill-based of a different sort.

I won a mini at Silverton a while back - last round - I size up the other players and realize I've got one shot IF I bet all my chips and win... dealer pushes 1/3 of my bet back, I was over the limit, I get 8-8 vs. Ace, I doubled for less and caught the 5! Hahahahahah!

Start with Wong's Tourney book. zg

Sun runner

Well-Known Member

> I am still trying to get really good at Hi-Lo.

If you are 'still trying to get really good' at HiLo quit worrying about the pit and the survelliance. You are a long way away from them connecting you with money leaving their casino.

Play some tournaments; you'll get in the casino and get a lot of invaluable experience just hanging around and playing some on the cheap. And you might accidently start a BR.

> I would like to begin to study other systems as well.

Why? HiLo works. Find a good system, learn it cold, and then move on .. maybe.

Good luck.