

Well-Known Member
are there any books this forum would recommend reading about blackjack play. i am getting a lot of free time at work to sit by myself and figured i would read when done with my college work.

anything would be good to try to read i think. i have read poker stuff but wouldn't mind getting some blackjack books to read



Well-Known Member
sorry i just havnt noticed anything about books lately, but its only been the last couple days i got interested in reading some.



Well-Known Member
Go to books and software on the home page of this site, and you will find a great selection of books with their reviews. All these books are reviewed and approved by our site administrator.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to reccommend either "The Big Book of Blackjack" or "Blackbelt in Blackjack" by Arnold Snyder. There are equally informative books on the market, but I think his are the most interesting to read. I've read two others: "Professional Blackjack" might be the most comprehensive, but I find the pages and pages of tables to be utterly boring. The other book I've liked is "Play Blackjack Like the Pros" by Blackwood (not to be confused with "Blackjack: Play Like the Pros").

There's a slew of bad blackjack books out there, so be careful. I swear casinos go out and publish bad blackjack books hoping to sucker people into plopping down a whole lot of money on phony gambling systems. Some gems I've read:

- "Split 6's? Why would you want two 16's? Don't split 6's."
- "The Martingale is a much-maligned betting strategy, but used correctly ..."
- "The only way to win is to quit while you're ahead."


Well-Known Member
There are several good books.

Over the past 18 months I've read probably 20 BJ books.
I can recommend about a dozen, while the others merely
rehash what was already imparted.

For beginners I recommend reading any 3 of the following six:

Blackbelt in Blackjack by Snyder
Blackjack Bluebook II by Renzey
Professional Blackjack by Wong
Million Dollar Blackjack by Uston
Blackjack Blueprint by Blaine
Blackjack for Blood by Carlson

Once you read some of these basic texts you should pick up
Blackjack Attack 3 by Schlesinger for some in depth info, if
BJ holds your interest.

I'm studying from Renzey's book and saving BR.

BJinNJ :cool: