Boomtown in Biloxi


The Boomtown casino in Biloxi has gone to h17.:mad: The only casinos on the gulf coast that are s17 are the Isle, Treasure Bay, Silver Slipper, and Hollywood for the low limit tables. I'm sure that some of the casinos may still be s17 on the high limit tables. Just a couple of months ago all the casinos where s17 and one the Beau Rivage had LS too. I guess the h17 flu as hit the gulf coast.:(

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
mmeyers said:
The Boomtown casino in Biloxi has gone to h17.:mad: The only casinos on the gulf coast that are s17 are the Isle, Treasure Bay, Silver Slipper, and Hollywood for the low limit tables. I'm sure that some of the casinos may still be s17 on the high limit tables. Just a couple of months ago all the casinos where s17 and one the Beau Rivage had LS too. I guess the h17 flu as hit the gulf coast.:(
I was there just over a couple of months ago, and did in fact see H17 blackjack.


Blue Efficacy said:
I was there just over a couple of months ago, and did in fact see H17 blackjack.
When you were on the gulf coast, did you visit The Isle? I noticed about two weeks ago they had a SD game there. I'm just curious if you thought it was worth playing.


Active Member
Pile of Debri

1 deck BJ, 3:2, S17,NDAS, Dbl on 10 & 11, RO6, $10.00 min.,Lucky Ladies side bet, Not sure about RSA.


Vytas said:
1 deck BJ, 3:2, S17,NDAS, Dbl on 10 & 11, RO6, $10.00 min.,Lucky Ladies side bet, Not sure about RSA.
Yes.... I asked one of the dealers about the rules for the SD game. She described them just as you stated. I was hesitant to play the SD because I wasn't real familiar with the SD game's BS. Also, I am not sure how many rounds needed to be played for good pen with SD.:confused: So do you think the SD game is better than the DD or 4D games offered at The Isle.

Thanks for your help.

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
mmeyers said:
When you were on the gulf coast, did you visit The Isle? I noticed about two weeks ago they had a SD game there. I'm just curious if you thought it was worth playing.
Isle was still S17, the single deck game was not worth playing due to poor penetration. Got 3 rounds heads up.