Booted for counting...


Well-Known Member
Is it true that because canadian casinos are goverment owned and opperated they can't boot you for counting? I have seen this question asked on other forums, but never any reply. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
I have heard this about tney can't boot you... as in Missouri.. HOWEVER, I am sure they can do things to make your counting less effective. Giving worse penetration, changing table limits.. etc..

just try not to blow your cover is the best bet.

It is not fun to be asked to leave.


Well-Known Member
No American casino that can't boot you will let you play without changing rules one you if you are good enough, unless they are a bunch of dimwits. Ok, so that means that there is a chance you will find a place like that, as dimwittedness is not really stretching it that far. Of course in other, certain *cough cough* countries, you can get away with BJ murder. They all know "counting" works but only one in a million "geniuses" can do it, and they have no idea how it works. They may try tactics like new decks and dealers or coolers, instead of no pen, pref shuffling and backcounting counter snatchers.


Well-Known Member
i know the security manager at a Canadian Casino and he said that they can kick you out and read you the tresspass act at their discretion. However he also said that his casino, since he has become manager (8 years), has NEVER kicked someone out. When they discover a counter they simply inform the pit and they use various techniques like dealing out less than half a shoe or forcing someone to flat bet.


Well-Known Member
bluewhale said:
i know the security manager at a Canadian Casino and he said that they can kick you out and read you the tresspass act at their discretion. However he also said that his casino, since he has become manager (8 years), has NEVER kicked someone out. When they discover a counter they simply inform the pit and they use various techniques like dealing out less than half a shoe or forcing someone to flat bet.
Hey Blue whale any chance you can P.M. me as to what province this casino is in?


Well-Known Member
Tom007 said:
Hey Blue whale any chance you can P.M. me as to what province this casino is in?
well i've never been to vegas, as a matter of fact i've never been to casino south of the border. But in canada I haven't heard much in terms of barring. A friend of mine used to play at rama and niagara falls and, he wasn't a very serious player, but would do crazy things like varying his bet a LOT. Also he once even had two of his friends behind him tell him the count when he forgot. So yeah, basically they are quite lenient anywhere you go on the 5 dollar tables. The pit boss did as his buddies to step back after a while. Also the game is virtually identical anywhere you go to here (but avoid fallsview casino, use CSM's exclusively), AC rules
