Brantford Casino


Well-Known Member
On, it says this about the Brantford Casino:

Number of decks: 8
Dealt from: Shoe
Double down on: ???
Double after split: Yes
Splitting pairs: 3 times to make 4 hands
Splitting aces: 3 times to make 4 hands
Drawing on split aces: one card only
On soft 17: Dealer stands
Blackjack pays: 3 to 2
Insurance pays: 2 to 1
On dealer blackjack: ???
Surrender: Early

Can anyone confirm this?!?

Brock Windsor

Well-Known Member
Info is wrong.
8 deck, DOA, DAS, penetration varies usually 65-75% depends on the dealer.
No surrender, No Resplit Aces, Only one card on split aces. Split to 4 hands.
Table Max $100 per spot. This is the case in ALL charity casinos in Ontario.
Unless they have changed the rules recently not worth the drive.


Active Member
also not worth the drive because you'll probably be sick from sheer tackiness of the place, and you'll get depressed from looking at the other gamblers.

this casino mainly attracts local, addicted gamblers playing slot machines with the rent/welfare/palimony money.

i know that makes me sound like a complete jackass, but my opinion is formed with pretty good info, having been born in that city and knowing the types of people that do and don't frequent the joint.