Calculate optimal betting


Well-Known Member
Assuming you are American and playing w/ a fairly typical rule set of something like H17, DAS, DA2, LS then can give yourself probably .5% at TC2 and .5% per increase in TC afterwards. So full kelly would bet something like .35% at TC 2 and add .35% per TC. TC 3 .70% TC 4 1.05% etc. This would be full kelly, but if you want less variance you could bet some fraction of this amount. But these are rough approximations, you are much better off buying CVCX and then simulating your exact conditions than relying on any sort of crude rule of thumb. Especially if you ever play games with an atypical rule set and thus differing advantages at each true count. CVCX is especially valuable when you are comparing different counting opportunities. But also so you can have a good idea about how much risk you are exposing yourself to for how much reward and to understand the variance that you are looking at.


Well-Known Member
oh I see. Norm used to have something at his forum, a CVCX online tool, but it is not there anymore as far as I know. or it is only for premium users. something like that.


Well-Known Member
I'm suggesting you buy premium membership at blackjacktheforum and use the CVCX online tool which is available to paid subscribers there. That should run in the browser of your smart phone.


Active Member
On Norm's qfit site, there are some calculators. To utilize all of them you need a password from Norm. Since you've already purchased CVCX, he can probably give you one, or tell you what you need to do to get one. Send him a message about it. I almost inquired about his online calculators myself until I realized they were all basically under the BJ Resources section of his form. I actually used the BJ Resources CVCX on my smartphone last week while I was on vacation, so it can be done, lol.
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