Casey. Does it work? Am I being scammed?

Several months ago I returned to New York from my wedding in Las Vegas. It was a nightmare(save for my marriage to my sweetheart). I got screwed at every turn.

I am a ploppy. I got my butt kicked in a scam-game they call 6-5 blackjack. The hotel was so unhelpful to me that many of my plans were ruined by the hotel desk managers and clerks. It was a miserable experience. Don't go to a Park Place Resort!

When I returned home, I picked up a book called "Bringin' down the house" and read it cover to cover in about 2 days. I am now a determined aspiring card counter. I am the good guy with the white-hat who has been besmearched an now wants blood. I will surgically bury these black-hatted casino lowlifes slowly and carefully,

I just ordered "Casino Verite", "Blackjack in the Zone", and also a casino surveillance book. I am quite serious about embarking on a career of card counting and I am several months into the "research phase".

I came across the website for the Casey Blackjack Computer. I am considering buying that too. Has anyone used the Casey? Does it work as advertised? Is it worth the money?


Minnie the moocher

wong out

Well-Known Member
I have never used any type of computer to play 21 but I recall the Casey Computer being described somewhere as viable (it may have been in a back issue of BJF). Thats not to say that the seller of the Casey Computer is legit. WRT to using a computer; it is illegal in most major US casino markets that I am aware of.

I would investigate the laws for use of a computer before playing anywhere and would never use in a foriegn/indian casino even if there was not a specific law prohibiting its use; I would be too concerned with an overzealous intrepretation of a broad statue against cheating - not to mention the time/effort to fight to stay out of the clinker - can you imagine the hassle you would go through if busted with a casey in Romania???

I would be interested in owning one (if not too expensive) as a collectable item on a piece of BJ history. I doubt that that they can be used legally in many places and would rather pursue more lucrative opportunites if I were to purse a life of crime.

wong out


Well-Known Member
Yes, it works. No, it's not worth it. I had the opportunity to try the computer once before. A friend of mine was really interested in it so he decided to buy it since he had money to burn. I was curious so I watched him use it. It took two months to even figure out the machine. After you figure it out, you need to devise a plan for wearing it. The maker suggests platform shoes + these nylon straps that you wear around your legs. 1) it's suspicious to see anybody of normal height wearing platform shoes and 2) there's a noticeable bulge around your leg that's almost 2x the size of a pack of cards, and that's not even including the battery pack. 3) there's a slight buzzing sound each time it signals you 4) there is a very uncomfortable wire that goes from one shoe, up your crotch, down the other leg, to the computer. All in all, my friend abandoned the project and now keeps the computer as time and money wasted. If you have $3000 to spend, invest in a couple books then keep the rest for your bankroll.


Well-Known Member
Congrats on getting hitched!

BUT since you lost all that money to the greedy casinos why not get even! Join us! Make a profile and introduce your self and be accepted in a group known to give the casinos a run for the money!!!!!
A profile? I don't think so.

Additionally, I won't be frequenting this site. Why, you ask? Here's a quote from D.V. Cellini, former surveillance expert for several major Las Vegas Casinos:

"The Internet is another major source of information for casino surveillance spies. If you're a frequent user of sites like,, or the Card Counters'Cafe, you've been had! These sites have more casino surveillance and floor people on them than there are feds monitoring the Web sites that sell plans for homemade explosives."

In fact, all of us are probably marked already. I had the experience of viewing the computer screen that pops up when a "suit" types in a players name. (I was deep in the casino "dungeons") The secret codes, acronyms used to identify players, and the amount of information they have about you is endless. They know if you've been banned, who you came with, and how much you've been drinking. They can easily tap into your email, zero in on your computers ip address, and much more. They do it.

No offense Mayor, but I would not be surprised if the casinos PAY the operators of this site for their service. This way, counters think they've found friends but they've really found BIG BROTHER. This site is perfect bait. All the webmaster has to do is give casino spies a few simple codes and you have been made!

The eye in the sky is watching. Even here. ESPECIALLY HERE!

P.S. The Casey computer is obsolete. Casinos, it seems, have devices of their own. Devices which locate a specific signal emitting from the casino floor. In most states the crime is a felony and you will go to jail. Directly to jail.

Thanks for the congrats.

Minnie "the moocher"

Running Count

Well-Known Member
You are a tool. Go do something useful.

You are either a casino troll or a total tool. I don't care which. Almost everyone here posts with an anonymous name, and those who don't, like the Mayor, know they've been "made" anyway.

If you are a casino person, you aren't going to scare off those of us know are smart enough to share info and war stories on this and other sites. We know it gets monitored, but that's why we avoid specifics.

If you are serious about what you wrote, you need to do some research. First, if you really went out and bought all that software immediately, then you are a fool that deserves to be parted with your money. You would be months if not years away from finding that stuff useful. Then you try to tell people that the casinos can somehow sniff IP addresses and emails from this site? That's not only ludicruous from a technological point of view, but would open the casinos up to multi-million dollar tort claims. Not worth it, especially for those of us betting $25 or less a hand.

If a casino can figure out who I am from my handle on this site -- more power to them. It would be quite a feat. As for you, either back up your ridiculous claims or go home.

Running Count.
Oh by the way....

Mr. Cellini has his own posting page on The Bishops web site "BJFONLINE.COM". I have partcipated on many a thread there. It is true Mr.Cellini does warn of the dreaded Casino Spy! He gives that advice on line as well. All I have to say to you MS Moocher is your allegations about this site are like your original post "mierda". Old English translation "shite". In fact your post reminds me of the same troll who visits us every couple of months and wants to cause mischief and mayhem! I recall last time the troll in question complained that the Mayor's criticism of Mind Play technology was of center. Dont bother us with your trivial issues. When you are ready to come out of the casino closet and learn an intellectual skill; to wit: Advantage Play. We will be here and we will still try to educate you. So if you are happy with your $5.95 an hour casino spying job and the free buffet every day so be it.

PS The casey computer inquirey was childish. every one here has above casino security intelligence. We prove it every time we play..."without using any technology"!
Re: Oh by the way....

No need to get snippety fellas. We are all grown ups, aren't we? Besides, wasn't I trying to help? Remember that the casinos are the ones who take your grandmas retirement money, not me. They are the ones who parade around like the good guys promoting this new "family" element to Las Vegas.

Circus Circus for example has a bench area where parents can leave their children while they're off blowing thousands. How incredibly sick is that? No, the casinos are not the good guys, they're the scumbags. The very notion that I am one of them sickens me. It is laughable. Stupid really.

As I said before, a Park Place Casino ruined my ENTIRE WEDDING from day one of my 3 week wedding vacation. They screwed up every plan and every event. They made my fiance cry. They did this after I brought them 180 people from NYC, Michigan, Arizona, and a couple who came all the way from Asia. Now I'm gonna stomp them. I will learn slowly every method to extract money from a casino right from under their noses. They will only know me from myth and legend. I will be like Kaiser Soze'.

Say what you want about my post regarding internet spying and IP addresses. I know that it is entirely possible and I believe Mr. Cellini. I have a friend who runs a NYC lounge website. He is also a master hacker. I saw him get into a persons private email with remarkable ease. If he can do it, so can the casinos.

Guys, at least my post raised an interesting question. The heavy-handedness of your reaction may indicate that YOU, not me, is a casino flunky.

No, I'm not interested in causing chaos or trouble. I'm outta here.

Hope you still kick the casinos ass though. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
All politics aside:

I'm not going to get involved in the politics here. I'd hate to turn off someone this dedicated to learning blackjack, espcially at this site.

Long story short, give up your hopes and dreams in the Casey computer or any other Blackjack computer. The good ones are too difficult to be practical for casino use, and the simple ones (I saw one that was built into a keychain with only three buttons to operate it) are no more accurate than the counting systems you will learn from any good book. Not to mention, they are all illegal and you could get 10 years in prison and multiple fines for being caught with one.

If you are serious about beating the casinos at the table, you have every tool you need right inside your head. Learn the Basic Strategy, learn and PRACTICE a good counting system, learn about Wonging, learn about shuffle tracking, learn about bankroll requirements and bet sizing, Standard Deviation, Risk of Ruin, learn how to recognize (and sometimes create) good games. If you are playing for higher stakes (black action) then learn some camouflage and get a good act. You've got a long road ahead of you, but a potentioally profitable one.





Well-Known Member
Good Call Amigos !

I did not realize it at first either but this guy did sound like he might well have been a casino plant. His story about the 3 week wedding was very hollow especially when he told it the second time and did not strike me as motivation to "turning to a life of card counting" - LOL. Seems like a very perverse attitude for a budding advantage player to have. Also his claim to jump into the hi tech aspects of the art without any grounding in the basics seems intened to impress and gain acceptance

Seems like the plaid sport jacketed, penny loafer wearing plain clothes cop trying to fit in among jeans wearing , long haired peace children of a previous era..
Something is very very wrong here


If I take you at face value, you are an extremely paranoid former ploppy and aspiring card counter. I understand your fears about technology tracking you, even if I don't think that those fears have any basis in reality. If you were right, the casino's could have easily tracked me down a long time ago and saved themselves alot of $$$.

However, you seem to have no problem posting intimate details about the approximate date of your wedding and the chain where it took place. If you really had that large of a wedding at that chain, then PPE has all the info they need to identify you.

Either that, or you are lying about your motives for wanting to learn how to count cards.


Well-Known Member
point taken GJ

I thought about that just as I was hitting the post message button. I'm not sure a troll can mask themselves that well. Even if they know what we may view as flaws in their story, they are only likely to overcompensate if they try it again. But, it is certainly more prudent to express skepticism without critical details.
Re: You are a tool. Go do something useful.

Dear Mayor,

The above post seems obvious flaming, perhaps you should list both sets of posting rules. The one for friends seems very different from the one for dissidents.

Stephen Bauer