Casino in Toronto


New Member
I was just wondering if anyone has an interest in seeing a permanent casino in Toronto. If so, tell me why, and if no, please tell me why not.


Well-Known Member
At this moment, anyone living in the Toronto area has to travel for at least 1 hour to get to the nearest casion, im assuming it would be Brantford or Blue Heron. I beleive a casino in Toronto would do very well at the expence, of cource, of the smaller casino's thats residence are now forced to travel to.
No casinos in Toronto, On

There are no licensed casinos in Toronto. However, the nearest government-run casino is the Casino Niagara, 5705 Falls Avenue, Niagara Falls (website: (Dead link: No casinos are allowed to be built in the city of Toronto, or the GTA that is less than an hour in driving proximity. There is a law in effect that prohibits them being built, I am not sure if it is still in effect, or the details. But think about it, of course if it were allowed there would be at least one casino there, it is the largest city in Canada,



New Member
Interesting... Do you know where that law is posted, or where I can find it? Do you remember where you saw it? I have been looking all over the internet and even on government sites. It would be great information to have. If you remember, please let me know.



Well-Known Member
checkmaterob said:
There are no licensed casinos in Toronto. However, the nearest government-run casino is the Casino Niagara, 5705 Falls Avenue, Niagara Falls (website: (Dead link: No casinos are allowed to be built in the city of Toronto, or the GTA that is less than an hour in driving proximity. There is a law in effect that prohibits them being built, I am not sure if it is still in effect, or the details. But think about it, of course if it were allowed there would be at least one casino there, it is the largest city in Canada,

I don't know where you heard that, but have you ever heard of woodbine racetrack??? its doesn't have tables, but it is a casino i believe, it has slots and horseracing.


Well-Known Member
I just heard on the radio today that they were talking about building a casino in downtown toronto. I don't expect to see anything before 2010 or so, but i'm just saying, the gears might finally be moving.


Well-Known Member
I saw a news report on the same on TV tonight. There was as much useful information in it as the BS chart a novice dealer writes in the snow after fifteen coffees.


Some Toronto people want a casino. But before that can happen, Toronto has to do 2 things (and no, it's not 1) Build a Casino. 2) Profit). They have to ask the Gaming Comission if they can, and then do some other stuff that the report forgot to mention. Then the report spent the rest of the time asking a really bad Marilyn Monroe imitator if she liked gambling patrons. Great stuff, CTV.

They seem to have an "article" (airquotes used judiciously):

What it boils down to:

"I'm Howard Moscoe, and I give out licenses in Toronto. No one has actually done anything, but, y'know, if stuff gets started-- yeah, I'll do stuff with it. Because that's, like, my job."

In other words: There's a Gaming Industry convention in town. They sent CTV a press pass. CTV told the summer intern to find a story in it. Summer intern grabbed some industry numbers of Wikipedia, then spent the rest of the afternoon updating her myspace blog. Reporter is sent to the convention, and shoots three seconds of some politician giving him the party line and a quick dismissal. Fills the remaining 1:13 with stock footage of decks of cards and whatever showgirl will talk to the local news.

(Note: I see they've posted the video of the report also: Toronto: Desmond Brown on the possible Toronto casino&clip_id=ctvnews.20070426.00192000-00192132-clip1&subhub=video&no_ads=&sortdate=20070426&slug=casino_toronto_070426&archive=CTVNews

Give it a watch. Funny-ass filler "news")

If Toronto really wanted a Casino, this is how it would go down:

"Hi, I'm Toronto. Y'know that tent-based part time casino we have at the CNE? Yeah, well, we're going to pour some cement walls around it and keep it year round. Cool?"

"As Ontario, I say: Sign this, send the appropriate skim-off-top to us. Enjoy!"

2008: Casino Toronto opens. Everyly Brothers tribute band to play.

Brock Windsor

Well-Known Member
Year round CNE

I agree a year round CNE casino must be on someones agenda. Be great to go after Marlies games while the traffic from the 114 fans thins out......
Woodbine was not in Toronto proper when it was built, I'm pretty sure it's municipal council that keeps the casino out of TO.