Not the first time it's happened
Always be careful, always be careful of your surroundings. For every 10 people there are gambling in the casinos, there's one roaming about looking for crimes of opportunity even if it takes a little work! I talked about this before in which I observed people (in AC) watching the activities, the cage, the tables, etc. and obviously up to no good. I was within earshot to hear conversation into a cellphone in which observations of a casino patron were being rattled off to someone else. They were observing someone at the cashier's cage from a distance that they apparently had been "tailing" and rattling off a description and estimated cash on them to the party on the other end. Now I am not fluent in "ebonics" but the one side of the conversation I was overhearing sounded something like, "Homeboy RICH! Mofo be's bein' up a da window an shi' ri now. He wearin brown jacket he alone----NO I don beez knowin whe he goin bu Iz all in it an shi. Mo fo shi, etc., etc." I'm not sure of the exact translation and I'm not sure if I transcribed it correctly but I think he MIGHT have been up to no good. I DID mention about this to a security guard and they were very non-chalant about it saying, "We can't stop people from hanging around and can't do much of anything until they actually do something illegal."
This was in a boardwalk casino owned by Harrah's by the way. The guy in question on the cellphone is a regular fixture around the boardwalk casinos also. There are organized gangs of people that stay in touch via cellphone that are up to no good. The casinos can do little about these types loitering about until they actually do something illegal but by then it's too late... just ask that guy that got robbed, carjacked and murdered in the Taj Mahal parking lot a few months back! OOps! Sorry... you can't... he's dead.
Be careful out there, watch yourself, be aware of your surroundings.