Well-Known Member
If you want to know where I live, just triangulate the FARTHEST point from the casinos in Kansas City, St. Louis, and Tunica....and you will be pretty darn close.
Anyhow, not much High-Intellect gambling conversation goes on around here. Lots of scratch-off lottery players, and of the few who do go to casino's, most are "Self-Proclaimed Slot Experts"....."all ya'all gotta do is watch a machine not hit for a while"....then move-in when it is due.
Stopped into a local bar this week. Was working on lowering my HDL Cholesterol, when an older gentleman two seats away scooted over to sit next to me. My first thought was....well, not pure.....I prefer my weiners with a bun, and without NUTS!
Anyhow, Mr. X just wanted some local, property values, crime, etc. As the conversation went on, he is recently retired, has made a bundle on the rise of property values in CA, and is looking for property on which to retire, raise horses, etc.
As the conversation went along, he mentioned that his career had caused him to move alot....NJ, LA, NV, MS, and now CA.....were in Mississippi???...TUNICA!
What do you do???....Retired Surveillance Director!
A few beers turned into a few more. Mr. X had worked in Surveillance since the early 80's, and usually as the "Chief". I admitted my CC skills, and of course, that my name is Eliot J. His wife is a VP at a DT-LV store, and will retire in a couple of years. His last job was at an Indian Venue in CA, and he and their daughter are staying there until she finishes high school....then they want to move to MO, where property values are relatively cheap, raise horses, etc.
We both agreed that CC's are a minimal threat to Casinos....coming in a distant third to Employees and Cheats. Interesting info. that he gave me included:
(1) He was surprised that I got heat at Low Spreads. Spread, not play or camoflage plays is what THEY usually look for.
(2) Said that Camera's CANNOT see through red clothing (contradicts Cellini).
(3) Mississippi cannot bar CC'ers, only Flat-bet, mega-shuffle, short-shoe, etc. Hope this is true, but I doubt it, since their games are good.
(4) Lots of politics in Casino explains his frequent moves.
(5) Be careful of "Girls" who want to give you a BJ back up in your room....first, they may be planning on lowering your B/R....second, they are often GUYS! least I did not get my B/R lowered.
He did not agree with me, that Casinos would make more profits by offering GOOD games.
Whatever, a pleasant diversion in my intellectual void. Oh, and Eliot J. now has a week of free RFB at a DT store!
Anyhow, not much High-Intellect gambling conversation goes on around here. Lots of scratch-off lottery players, and of the few who do go to casino's, most are "Self-Proclaimed Slot Experts"....."all ya'all gotta do is watch a machine not hit for a while"....then move-in when it is due.
Stopped into a local bar this week. Was working on lowering my HDL Cholesterol, when an older gentleman two seats away scooted over to sit next to me. My first thought was....well, not pure.....I prefer my weiners with a bun, and without NUTS!
Anyhow, Mr. X just wanted some local, property values, crime, etc. As the conversation went on, he is recently retired, has made a bundle on the rise of property values in CA, and is looking for property on which to retire, raise horses, etc.
As the conversation went along, he mentioned that his career had caused him to move alot....NJ, LA, NV, MS, and now CA.....were in Mississippi???...TUNICA!
What do you do???....Retired Surveillance Director!
A few beers turned into a few more. Mr. X had worked in Surveillance since the early 80's, and usually as the "Chief". I admitted my CC skills, and of course, that my name is Eliot J. His wife is a VP at a DT-LV store, and will retire in a couple of years. His last job was at an Indian Venue in CA, and he and their daughter are staying there until she finishes high school....then they want to move to MO, where property values are relatively cheap, raise horses, etc.
We both agreed that CC's are a minimal threat to Casinos....coming in a distant third to Employees and Cheats. Interesting info. that he gave me included:
(1) He was surprised that I got heat at Low Spreads. Spread, not play or camoflage plays is what THEY usually look for.
(2) Said that Camera's CANNOT see through red clothing (contradicts Cellini).
(3) Mississippi cannot bar CC'ers, only Flat-bet, mega-shuffle, short-shoe, etc. Hope this is true, but I doubt it, since their games are good.
(4) Lots of politics in Casino explains his frequent moves.
(5) Be careful of "Girls" who want to give you a BJ back up in your room....first, they may be planning on lowering your B/R....second, they are often GUYS! least I did not get my B/R lowered.
He did not agree with me, that Casinos would make more profits by offering GOOD games.
Whatever, a pleasant diversion in my intellectual void. Oh, and Eliot J. now has a week of free RFB at a DT store!