CNE Casino in Toronto


I'm not sure if that is the exact name, but I see on the CNE's website that the Casino will be open this year from July 30 to September 3. That's great because it's usually only open for the 10 or so days that the EX is on. BTW, does anyone know if you have to pay admission to get into the EX to enter the Casino or is there a separate way in?


Well-Known Member
Lol the good old Ex casino...
6d h17 das 90-95%!
oh ya, I forgot to mention....$25 MAX bet....
I haunted that place last year when I was learning to count.
Didn't take advatage of the LL's side bet they had on every table. This year I'll be prepared.

To answer your question, it is free the enter the casino before the EX opens. Once it is open, you have to pay admission even if you are just going to the casino. You can get a VIP card which grants you free admission, but you have to sit at a $15-25 or $25-25 table for 3 or 4 hours to get the card.


Well-Known Member
Jeff25 said:
Lol the good old Ex casino...
6d h17 das 90-95%!
oh ya, I forgot to mention....$25 MAX bet....
$25 might not be bad on a 0-1 wong spread. How easy is it to wong in/out of table?


Well-Known Member
halcyon1234 said:
$25 might not be bad on a 0-1 wong spread. How easy is it to wong in/out of table?
If you go before the Ex opens its real easy because its not to crowded. Once the Ex opens the crowds build and you have to go during slower periods.


Well-Known Member
That reminds me: What's the table min?

Something tells me I'm going to be heading to the EX a few more times than usual this summer. Beaver tails AND blackjack. Could it get any better? =)


Dyepaintball12 said:
What is EX and CNE?

This is a casino that is only open for part of the year?


LOL Im assuming your not from Toronto. Its like a carnival type thing that comes to the city for a few weeks every summer. They have a little casino inside but to get in you have to pay to get into the EX unless you have some sort of VIP thing someone mentioned before that you get by playing "high-end"($25) tables for a few hours.


Well-Known Member
Jeff25 said:
If you go before the Ex opens its real easy because its not to crowded. Once the Ex opens the crowds build and you have to go during slower periods.
I went once after the late on a weekend night after the ex started and the place was so jammed, you could hardly move much less find a seat.


Well-Known Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
SO, when does the Casino open? Because this is sounding good to me.
halcyon1234 said:
Something tells me I'm going to be heading to the EX a few more times than usual this summer. Beaver tails AND blackjack. Could it get any better? =)
oooo ****... looks like we're gonna have a whole team of counters hitting them up this year! i'll see you chumps there.. probably in the high roller section, 25 max :laugh:


Well-Known Member
bluewhale said:
oooo ****... looks like we're gonna have a whole team of counters hitting them up this year! i'll see you chumps there.. probably in the high roller section, 25 max :laugh:
Hehe, High roller! I'm so going in a tuxedo, and saying stuff like "Do I want to double down? Maybe my friend, Mr. Laurier, can answer your question."

Brock Windsor

Well-Known Member
Penetration at The Ex

Jeff25 said:
Lol the good old Ex casino...
6d h17 das 90-95%!
This can't be right. 90-95% pen??? Maybe I've just never seen it before. I guess the $25 max keeps them from getting hit but there would be a few times (TC>7) you could put a quarter on most lucky lady spots and do ok.


Well-Known Member
Brock Windsor said:
This can't be right. 90-95% pen??? Maybe I've just never seen it before. I guess the $25 max keeps them from getting hit but there would be a few times (TC>7) you could put a quarter on most lucky lady spots and do ok.
from the grapevine i've heard really bad things about the rules of this game. so don't go there expecting to become rich.


Well-Known Member
in case anyones playing there over the summer. i'm most likely gonna be dealing cards there. anyone else consiering working there also? i've heard the pay is about 11/hr after tips. and the job is virtually guaranteed.


Well-Known Member
bluewhale said:
in case anyones playing there over the summer. i'm most likely gonna be dealing cards there. anyone else consiering working there also? i've heard the pay is about 11/hr after tips. and the job is virtually guaranteed.
I think my brother might try to get a job there. He isn't on the forum-- would you mind pming me the application details?

11/hr isn't bad. After tips, it's like playing with a $15 unit. =)

Hehehe-- should we work out a secret handshake that means "99% pen, please?" :laugh:


Well-Known Member
halcyon1234 said:
Hehehe-- should we work out a secret handshake that means "99% pen, please?" :laugh:
HAHAAHAHHA. let me know if you're bro is working there or if you're coming down.... i'm not a 100% that i wanna work there, but theres a good chance. you have to go for a week's training which you pay $215 for, but yeah, the job sounds fun. here are the details for the ad:

The CNE Casino Training School is now open. We are training new dealers and hiring experienced dealers and Security Staff for the Summer 2007 season (July 30-Sept 3)
No experience necessary, please call between 12pm-9pm, Monday - Thursday for more details.

* Location: CNE Toronto
* Compensation: Hourly Wage plus TIPS
* Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
* Phone calls about this job are ok.
* Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.


Well-Known Member
bluewhale said:
HAHAAHAHHA. let me know if you're bro is working there or if you're coming down.... i'm not a 100% that i wanna work there, but theres a good chance. you have to go for a week's training which you pay $215 for, but yeah, the job sounds fun. here are the details for the ad:
$215's not bad for BJ school. Most places cost in the order of $500 for a course. And once you have the training, you have it.

I know for sure I'm going to hit the tables. It just depends on my summer job hours. 8-8, 3 days a week, so I'll go for the less busy Thursday afternoon games. =) I'll let you know when and if my bro gets the job. Thanks for the info!