compensating poorer house rules with higher bet spreads

I've been doing my homework on card counting and the theory of blackjack in general since 2 years back. One thing that is stressed inumerously by various Blackjack authorites is the importance of good penetration. Penetration meaning, how much is played into the deck before a shuffle occurs. A Blackjack game with 85% penetration is considered a healthy penetration and good for the card counter whereas a penetration of only 65% is marginally acceptable.

Most times, card counting is excluded in the internet casino, since the cards are shuffled after the completion of every hand. There are a few exceptions, which means we are talking about internet casinos whose blackjack game deals into the deck. Global Player Casino belongs to one of those.

There is a Russian online Casino whose Blackjack game deals into the deck as well. It's a six-deck-game, with 198 cards dealt before a shuffle takes place. Most rules are granted, Blackjack pays 3:2, insurance 2:1, dAS, resplit allowed, hits allowed on splitted aces(!), and so forth. The minimum bet is $0,10 and the maximum $10. Play on multiple hands allowed. This leaves us with the average Blackjack game with a pentration of 65%

Now, is there a way to avail onself of card count effectively here? With unbanalanced or balanced`? Unfortunetaly, the casino does not provide an optical instrument with which you can visually estimate the number of remaining decks. So an unbalanced count would be preferable here, since one doesn't have to bother with the true count conversion, correct?

However, I could be willing to go through the trouble of having a true count version if necessary.

1. With Stanford Wong's High-Low, would a bet spread of 1-12 suffice for an edge? With or without wonging, wonging meaning only to play on positive counts. If not, would things help if we have a slightly higher bet spread, such as 1-13, or 1-15? With larger bet spreads, what would happen to the bet scheme?

2. What about Knock out rookie? Would a bet spread of 1-20 suffice for any long term winnings. I'm invoking Knock Out Rookie since this system stems from a promotional article by Anthony Curtis and is a simplified version the Knock out system, with an early bet ramp and only two bets; one high and one low.