counting systems

Does anyone have figures to share on expectation % of different card counting systems?
I just started learning a version of red 7 (improved) that I found that has about 4.8 in the simulation I use( compared to 3.4 for standard hi - lo ) if anyone knows of anything that does better than let me know :devil:


Well-Known Member
Simulation results

If you log on to and then click the link K-O Comparisons they have simulation results of various card counting systems broken down by the number of decks played and ease of use. Keep in mind this site sells only the KO system and none of the others so I will humbly put my tail between my legs and stay on the porch while the big dogs run (Ken, Joep, Kevin, S. Yama etc.) if their opinion of card counting simulation systems differ from KO.

Hey big shocker ko blackjack seems to be the best. :eek:
I thought it was kind of interesting that they didn't have figures for 4 decks
It must not have come out their way.

oh well thanks for the advice


Well-Known Member
counting cards

Red, In California and Reno 4 deck games are continuous shuffle as far as I know, perhaps that is why they are not included in the simulations, although I agree they should be included.