DD conditions at planet hollywood?


Well-Known Member
Not only is the DD game there inferior, but the H E A T is fierce !

It carries a prohibitive (for DD) House Advantage of 0.40%

and you'll be lucky to see > 50% of the cards.


Well-Known Member
damn im bummed about that. thats where Ill be staying. wheres some good casinos without heat with good DD


Do not despair!

Even if the blackjack is horrible at Planet Hollywood, there is at least some seriously hot-looking poon strutting about the place... if that's any consolation. Maybe take the Flash's advice and seek a better game of blackjack is all...


Well-Known Member
Tarzan said:
Even if the blackjack is horrible at Planet Hollywood, there is at least some seriously hot-looking poon strutting about the place... if that's any consolation. Maybe take the Flash's advice and seek a better game of blackjack is all...
Dead president bros before hos


Well-Known Member
Flash is right on-- 50% pen. I used to play there before Caesar's bought them. Last trip I asked the pit guy, What's with the 50% pen?" He shrugged his shoulders, "That's the policy now."

With the pleasure pit-- loud music, girls dancing above the tables, costumed dealers-- I guess they figure good games are a secondary consideration. They're selling "party time," not blackjack.


Well-Known Member
Try the 25-cent video poker

Planet Hollywood still had 9/6 JorB video poker in quarters when I was there in March. That is much better than the usual at other Caesars properties. I used to play it whenever there was a promotion.


Well-Known Member
Caesar said:
Planet Hollywood still had 9/6 JorB video poker in quarters when I was there in March. That is much better than the usual at other Caesars properties. I used to play it whenever there was a promotion.
Why? It's still a -EV game. Just don't play count games at HET/CET. Look for other opportunities.


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
Why? It's still a -EV game. Just don't play count games at HET/CET. Look for other opportunities.
When you consider dollar comps and free rooms offered by the Caesar's props, I do not consider it -EV. But to each his own. :)

The JOB 9/6 is undoubtedly a remnant of pre-Caesar days.


Well-Known Member
Promotions make it positive

With perfect play, the casino has an edge of .5%. This is similar to the casino edge versus basic strategy BJ players.
Many promotions easily make up that tiny edge.


I decided to check out PH on a Tuesday morning around 1 AM. The first indication of trouble was that the valet claimed to be full (what BS). I told the valet I had come there to play, their self parking is literally 1/4 mile away, and I'd be happy to take my business elsewhere. So they parked my car.

If you like really, really loud disco, this is the place for you. If not, avoid the place.

The first table I went to was 6:5 SD, not even a sign that says 6:5. The second table was a shoe game, autoshuffled with 8 decks and 70% pen. I lost 100% of hands, so rapidly I might as well have been cold-decked. Unreal.

I was lucky (?) to find a $15 minimum bet game, nearly all were $25 (again, this was 1 AM on a Tuesday). They have a women-in-corsets pit if that's your thing.


Well-Known Member
CrazyEddie said:
I decided to check out PH on a Tuesday morning around 1 AM. The first indication of trouble was that the valet claimed to be full (what BS). I told the valet I had come there to play, their self parking is literally 1/4 mile away, and I'd be happy to take my business elsewhere. So they parked my car.

If you like really, really loud disco, this is the place for you. If not, avoid the place.

The first table I went to was 6:5 SD, not even a sign that says 6:5. The second table was a shoe game, autoshuffled with 8 decks and 70% pen. I lost 100% of hands, so rapidly I might as well have been cold-decked. Unreal.

I was lucky (?) to find a $15 minimum bet game, nearly all were $25 (again, this was 1 AM on a Tuesday). They have a women-in-corsets pit if that's your thing.
They used to have some decent games, but that was before Caesar's bought them. And even before that, when they were the Aladdin, the games were even better. Now they feature the Pleasure Pit, a loud, raucous party atmosphere, with girls dancing on tables between the blackjack tables, and cash money dancing from your pocket to theirs. It's par-teeeeee time! :laugh: It's not even worth a scouting trip-- it's gone from bad to worse.


Well-Known Member
Pen used to be really dealer-dependent, hovering around 1.2
Has that disappeared completely now ?

As to heat - I have to admit I never noticed any spreading green to lots of green.

aslan said:
They used to have some decent games, but that was before Caesar's bought them. And even before that, when they were the Aladdin, the games were even better. Now they feature the Pleasure Pit, a loud, raucous party atmosphere, with girls dancing on tables between the blackjack tables, and cash money dancing from your pocket to theirs. It's par-teeeeee time! :laugh: It's not even worth a scouting trip-- it's gone from bad to worse.


Well-Known Member
bj21abc said:
Pen used to be really dealer-dependent, hovering around 1.2
Has that disappeared completely now ?

As to heat - I have to admit I never noticed any spreading green to lots of green.
When I was last there I June, pen in DD was 50%, house policy, because I even asked the pit about it, and shoe game pen was mediocre at best. YMMV. It appeared it didn't take them long to hook into the Caesar's Borg collective.