Dealer error

Solo player

Well-Known Member
Playing 2x100, full table. Dealer shows a 10 card checks for, and of course he has an ace. Dealer collects all the cards and leaves all the bets. :grin:


Well-Known Member
Solo player said:
Playing 2x100, full table. Dealer shows a 10 card checks for, and of course he has an ace. Dealer collects all the cards and leaves all the bets. :grin:

Wow.. awesome. Never seen that one before. :p


Well-Known Member
Thats a good one. The closest I've seen to that was getting paid on my insurance bet after the dealer flipped up a 9, to reveal an A9 hand.


Well-Known Member
Solo player said:
Playing 2x100, full table. Dealer shows a 10 card checks for, and of course he has an ace. Dealer collects all the cards and leaves all the bets. :grin:
I had it happen, but the big-mouthed lady at first base yelled "Hey, you forgot to take our money." It's the closest I've ever come to hitting a woman.


Well-Known Member
Nice. Here's another weird one, I did get paid 3 to 2 for my "blackjack" A5. As mentioned, dealers are sometimes suggestible.

These aren't the droids you're looking for.


Active Member
Solo player said:
Playing 2x100, full table. Dealer shows a 10 card checks for, and of course he has an ace. Dealer collects all the cards and leaves all the bets. :grin:
Be careful, we do make mistakes, but the casino might determine it to be collusion with the dealer since you are betting black cheques, and you said nothing to the dealer. The casino could have you barred and your photo sent around to other casinos. Also, in some states it could be considering stealing. It can cost the dealer his job as well.

My personal advice would be to notify the dealer so the mistake could be rectified so none of the above happens.

Solo player

Well-Known Member
Blackjackdealer said:
Be careful, we do make mistakes, but the casino might determine it to be collusion with the dealer since you are betting black cheques, and you said nothing to the dealer. The casino could have you barred and your photo sent around to other casinos. Also, in some states it could be considering stealing. It can cost the dealer his job as well.

My personal advice would be to notify the dealer so the mistake could be rectified so none of the above happens.
Ya. O.K. Next time I will. Because it happens so often.:laugh:


Well-Known Member
Blackjackdealer said:
Be careful, we do make mistakes, but the casino might determine it to be collusion with the dealer since you are betting black cheques, and you said nothing to the dealer. The casino could have you barred and your photo sent around to other casinos. Also, in some states it could be considering stealing. It can cost the dealer his job as well.

My personal advice would be to notify the dealer so the mistake could be rectified so none of the above happens.
This is just silly! Maybe if you were playing heads up they would attempt to scare you with the threat of collusion, but collusion is very difficult to prove. Maybe if they had you playing several different occasions with this same dealer. But no way, with a full table of players that the dealer is making a mistake on.

That being said, sometimes the benefits of a short-term opportunity like this are far outweighed by the long-term consequences. I was in a situation not long ago, where I noticed the dealer paying blackjacks incorrectly at 2-1. I guess the 3-2 payout was too confusing for him. :laugh: I quickly upped my wager to the max amount that I was comfortable with at that establishment. I caught a couple BJ's before the shuffle and at the end of the shoe, left my max wager out, thinking this would buy me some cover that my usual style doesn't afford me. The pit guy wonders over during the shuffle and I feel pretty good about my camo of playing large off the top. Wouldn't you know, very first hand, while the pit guy is still watching I pull a snapper. After he corrects the dealer payout, he looks at me and say's “I should have known something was wrong. I have never seen you stay through a shuffle”. :eek::sad:

Bottom line: for a few hundred bucks, I put future play in jeopardy at a store that I play regularly, with a pit guy that seemed to be familiar and tolerant of my style of play. I have taylored my style of play towards playing longevity, so this was a major error on my part. I was blinded by the short-term opportunity and failed to look at the long-term picture.

The Chaperone

Well-Known Member
Blackjackdealer said:
Be careful, we do make mistakes, but the casino might determine it to be collusion with the dealer since you are betting black cheques, and you said nothing to the dealer. The casino could have you barred and your photo sent around to other casinos. Also, in some states it could be considering stealing. It can cost the dealer his job as well.

My personal advice would be to notify the dealer so the mistake could be rectified so none of the above happens.
Completely wrong on all counts.

PS welcome to the forum :)


Well-Known Member
There are many times

Blackjackdealer said:
Be careful, we do make mistakes, but the casino might determine it to be collusion with the dealer since you are betting black cheques, and you said nothing to the dealer. The casino could have you barred and your photo sent around to other casinos. Also, in some states it could be considering stealing. It can cost the dealer his job as well.

My personal advice would be to notify the dealer so the mistake could be rectified so none of the above happens.
you collect money over my winning hands.. Can casino lose gaming license because of your mistakes?


Well-Known Member
kewljason said:

That being said, sometimes the benefits of a short-term opportunity like this are far outweighed by the long-term consequences. I was in a situation not long ago, where I noticed the dealer paying blackjacks incorrectly at 2-1. I guess the 3-2 payout was too confusing for him. :laugh: I quickly upped my wager to the max amount that I was comfortable with at that establishment. I caught a couple BJ's before the shuffle and at the end of the shoe, left my max wager out, thinking this would buy me some cover that my usual style doesn't afford me. The pit guy wonders over during the shuffle and I feel pretty good about my camo of playing large off the top. Wouldn't you know, very first hand, while the pit guy is still watching I pull a snapper. After he corrects the dealer payout, he looks at me and say's “I should have known something was wrong. I have never seen you stay through a shuffle”. :eek::sad:

Bottom line: for a few hundred bucks, I put future play in jeopardy at a store that I play regularly, with a pit guy that seemed to be familiar and tolerant of my style of play. I have taylored my style of play towards playing longevity, so this was a major error on my part. I was blinded by the short-term opportunity and failed to look at the long-term picture.
I would come to a different conclusion, maybe there is nothing wrong with sitting at a table where dealer is paying 2 to 1, but there is something wrong with the bold statement above.


Active Member
The Chaperone said:
Completely wrong on all counts.

PS welcome to the forum :)
I know players who are barred from the casino and dealers without jobs. Collusion possibilities were highly suspected, but ultimately dealers lost their jobs due to payout error. I don't think further discussion is necessary!


Blackjackdealer said:
Be careful, we do make mistakes, but the casino might determine it to be collusion with the dealer since you are betting black cheques, and you said nothing to the dealer. The casino could have you barred and your photo sent around to other casinos. Also, in some states it could be considering stealing. It can cost the dealer his job as well.

My personal advice would be to notify the dealer so the mistake could be rectified so none of the above happens.
Usually when this happens, the dealer blanches and then ruefully calls over the PB, who smirks at your stupidity, corrects the error and makes a mental note of the dealer's stupidity too.

So, mum's the word and everybody is happy.


Well-Known Member
Blackjackdealer said:
I know players who are barred from the casino and dealers without jobs. Collusion possibilities were highly suspected, but ultimately dealers lost their jobs due to payout error. I don't think further discussion is necessary!
:laugh: Yeah; RIGHT! The dealer is colluding with every single player at the table at the same time! Get a grip! :p

When this kind of a payout error happens, for this large of amounts of money; someone will usually catch it rather quickly. Maybe a floorperson, maybe surveillance. If it were ME that it happened to (and this type of thing HAS happened to me before), I would pick up all my chips, and walk to the door (NOT the cage); ignoring the dealer's call for me to "color up".
And I DARE someone to be so stupid as to try to have me arrested! My lawyer LOVES to sue, and besides; I could always use the money anyway. :)

If the dealer gets fired, that's not MY problem. IMO, a dealer who's that stupid SHOULD be fired!


Active Member
Not sure why you think I am making this up. Arrest is highly unlikely, but barring is certainly what you can expect if happened on big action regardless. Certainly there will be scenarios representing both sides and nothing is certain as it comes down to a judgement call on the pit boss, but why bring the negative heat on you and mess up someones life over it?


Well-Known Member
Blackjackdealer said:
but why bring the negative heat on you and mess up someones life over it?
:laugh: I think I might have messed up about 3 or 4 peoples life today then. Dealer, pit boss, and surveillance all ok'd a mid 4 figure mistake. This place was small too, this mistake probably put them in the hole for the day. :whip:


Well-Known Member
itrack said:
:laugh: I think I might have messed up about 3 or 4 peoples life today then. Dealer, pit boss, and surveillance all ok'd a mid 4 figure mistake. This place was small too, this mistake probably put them in the hole for the day. :whip:
Good job! :) But in the grand scheme of things, you may have done them a favor; freeing them from the life of casino prostitute. Maybe now they'll get a RESPECTABLE job where they can become a PRODUCTIVE member of society. :)
Blackjackdealer said:
Not sure why you think I am making this up. Arrest is highly unlikely, but barring is certainly what you can expect if happened on big action regardless. Certainly there will be scenarios representing both sides and nothing is certain as it comes down to a judgement call on the pit boss, but why bring the negative heat on you and mess up someones life over it?
Then why bring the negative heat by telling anyone about it? If there is an error in your favor the chances of management noticing it are low. If you tell the PB, the chances are 100%.

If there is an error in my favor, I protect the dealer's reputation by saying nothing. And if a dealer makes more than one error in my favor, I wouldn't want anyone to think his or her sloppiness is driving customers away, so I make sure to stay at that table until the end of the dealer's shift. And I even bet a little more, just to be a good sport! :laugh:


Well-Known Member
I had a dealer who got very confused on the payout for an $85 BJ and paid it $167.50. It's not a normal step in my ramp but every time the count got close to that TC I put out $85 and was mispaid two additional times. I tried it with $95 but she figured that one out. $85 still stumped her though.