You are correct sir
You are right, i can't compare knowing the deck composition to hilo; as hilo is an estimate of the advantage. But i would like to clarify what my intention of my example was.
The intention was to show that through the application of Basic Strategy and its deviations based on the estimation of the advantage in the deck, you arrive at same conclusion. But you can prove mathematically, why you make those decisions.
I would like to point out that knowing exactly the composition of the deck is kind of what CC is all about. The holy grail one might say. However, knowing the composition of the deck is contradictory if one uses mathematically incorrect decisions.
DB's scenario i still think falls into voodoo thinking
You are correct sir, because if one uses a level 4 count like Thorps Ultimate Count, or even memorized the cards seen, it is more powerful than hilo. In fact hilo is an extremely simplified version of this. But, even with this information, it is what you do with the information that matters.
Essentially, if you make a decision that is not based on the maths, you would expect to lose overall in the long run. In my example, i assume Derren Brown does not know the correct mathematical decision and bases his actions purely on knowing the composition of the deck.
If DB knew the composition of the deck and then using probabilty concluded that he should sit 16 v10 and 15v10, then yes knowing the composition of the deck aids in making the correct mathematical play. If DB doesnt calculate the probability, then there is not much advantaged gained by memorizing the cards seen to know the composition of the deck.
I would like to say DB uses a cruder method of CC, but if he doesnt anchor his decisions and bets on Basic Strategy or maths, then any advantage he gains through memorization is lost mathematically to the casino. For example never doubling or splitting because he knows there are less tens in the deck.
I would like to hear more from your perspective Ming. Thanks for the clarification.