Did I make the correct play against this hole carding dealer?

I got a dealer who was flashing her hole card. I got 77 and she had a ten showing. I couldn't tell the exact hole card but i knew it wasn't a ten. I split my sevens, get 11 and double for 21. Get a 9 and double for 18 and dealer flips over 19. Was my play correct?
I knew she didn't have a face under there but it could have been a 10.


Well-Known Member
Generally, you wouldn't split 77 v T even if you knew the dealer had 16 because doing so would have too high a chance of killing the hole carding opportunity.


Well-Known Member
Your play was correct. With a 2-9 in the hole you'd split 236789A if I remember right.

I don't think splitting 7's against a ten would out you at all. Clearly a dumb move but not an obvious/aggressive one (like hitting a 17+).

If you're playing these kinds of games you really should have the strategy down solid. If you're catching the HC only on a 10 showing, but every time, your edge is only around 1.4% off-the-top (assuming surrender is allowed.)
The dealer climbs have also had a 10. All I knew was that the home card was not a J,Q or K. Do you know where I can find a strategy chart assuming I know the dealers hole card?