does anyone know about John May and....

"Get the edge at blackjack" a book he wrote,
a pal of mine has it but it seems like a load of garbage,is it?
Ive heard this John May is a total fraud,not really a pro gambler but just another guy that wrote a gambing book,
i mean these days my auntie Marge could publish a gambling book,they are 2 a penny.
Can anyone enlighten me?

The Mayor

Well-Known Member


It would appear that JMay (aka Green Baize Vampire)...

... has limited real-world experience and yet professes the opposite. As for his GTE@BJ, it is little more that a catalogue of AP summaries with limited application direction. It is a book of 3rd-tier importance among BJ literature. zg
3rd-Tier? I think you're being Kind

"has limited real-world experience and yet professes the opposite. As for his GTE@BJ, it is little more that a catalogue of AP summaries with limited application direction. It is a book of 3rd-tier importance among BJ literature. zg "

If you want a jolly, definitely get the book. (Following comes right out of the pages of the book...emphasis are mine)

Scoblete writes the forward and describes May as an advantage player with at "attitude". He's a gambling "gunslinger" who makes his living shooting the casinos.

Then May writes about card steering..."It was related to me by a highly successful professional gambler and maverick theorist known to me only as the Green Baize Vampire who described the play as HE organized it."

"One of the most powerful and until now, one the greatest secrets of advantage play, is called the stacker play. It is a highly advanced team technique again taught to me by the MYSTERIOUS Englishman known as the Green Baize Vampire. The Vampire described the technique to me as it was carried out during one of his team's most successful coups."

HHHmmmm, Green Baize Vampire a.k.a. John May?

There are other humorous things in the book. To be fair, there is a lot of good information, as well, but nothing that can't be found in other books by more reputable authors.

My 2-cents.


The Mayor

Well-Known Member
By request

By personal request, I deleted the thread that responded to my post. Again, this site does not permit personal attacks of any sort. Then again, the merits of a piece of work are well within the limits of what is allowed. The topic of this thread is the quality and content of John May's book, not John May as a person, nor any other individual or website.

Thanks to all for your understanding.



Well-Known Member
Book review by Nick Christenson *LINK*

I personally felt that the book was vague and contained a bit of misleading information. Although much of the book is solid I don't think it offers anything that cannot be found elsewhere in other more reputable books.

But don't take my word for it. Check out the link below for another book review.



Christenson says of GTE@BJ - *PIC*

"The book ends up being like a survey course, where the reader is informed about the existence of each of these techniques, but none of them are covered in sufficient depth to truly benefit the reader."

AND that says it all. zg