Firelake, Oklahoma


Well-Known Member
I was talking to a dealer the other day who works for Firelake.

He told me there are times when they do not have that killer fifty-cent ante.

The times they do not have an ante are from 3 a.m. to 10 a.m. Monday morning through Thursday morning.


DD any two cards
six decks with 75-80% penetration (I saw one female dealer give up about 83% once)
split aces up to four times, draw only one card to each ace
DD after splits
$5-500 limits
hand-shuffled (some dealers actually put the unplayed cards on top of the discards rather than interjecting the unplayed cards into various spots of the discards)
split ten's must be of same value
shoe has a plastic cover on it
two dealers let me cut off less than one deck of cards


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by"split tens must be of same value"?
You can't split a K/Q?

It sounds a heck of a lot better than paying 50 cents a hand ante,if you are an early riser.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it looks actually playable without the ante. Surrender would be nice, but the penetration probably makes up for it.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
What do you mean by"split tens must be of same value"?You can't split a K/Q?

It sounds a heck of a lot better than paying 50 cents a hand ante,if you are an early riser.
I should have wrote "ten value cards must be of the same rank, ie both tens, both jacks, both queens, both kings".

You cannot split K/Q.

Remember not all dealer will give 80% penetration. There was a guy there named Joshua who gave 75% but if he were to have been talking to someone when he placed the cut card he gave 80%.

I was practicing for my trip this week so I actually played a $125 bankroll with the $0.50 ante. This was more for practice to identify weaknesses than actual play. I was able to play for four hours. I figure I gave away $92 in ante's!!!:eek:

When Oklahoma no longer has that $0.50 ante I will be prepared.


Well-Known Member
That "no ante" requires that you have a player's card and it starts shortly after 2 am and goes until 10 am. No rule changes, same rules as above.

I saved alot of money playing at this time. I managed to come out +22 units ahead of the game.


Active Member

I am concerned that Elliot's posts are information which could harm the good game he is promoting and by placing the same post in multiple threads, it certainly reeks of spam. Saying it once would be more than enough.

Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
I'll take a stab at it: I think the reason people would prefer that you don't come on here naming specific casinos is not because the casino doesn't know what game they're offering—it's because not everyone else does. This is a forum for card counters and advantage players, and these are not the people the casino is trying to attract with their fair rules. Sure, good penetration will make the casino a lot more money, but basically inviting a bunch of APs there may make the casino think twice about it. Casinos have been known to make hasty and shortsighted decisions about their games in the past...


Elliottok, there are people on this site who have a large bankroll and use it to kill great opportunities before anyone else can get to them. They are very successful at it. Just recently a great promo was scheduled to run for a month. They killed it in days. Hopefully they will be the only ones barred but they could kill the whole game forever. This is their version of being an AP. No concern for the long haul just what they can get today.

Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't think you need to worry about hundreds of pros rolling in on a basic 6D game. But in general, posting info about good rules in a casino can only hurt them, and there's not much upside. I know you want people to let the casino know they appreciate the rules, but that can also be counterproductive, given the source of the praise.

Either way, the casino will likely see an increased hold by increasing penetration and giving players more options (to incorrectly utilize). It's not like they're offering a game worth coming to town over; it is good for the locals, though.
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Well-Known Member
:flame: ELLOITTOK you need to use your eyes before using your mouth! Not that your close to me but my fear is someone like you will be.
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The Chaperone

Well-Known Member
tthree said:
Elliottok, there are people on this site who have a large bankroll and use it to kill great opportunities before anyone else can get to them. They are very successful at it. Just recently a great promo was scheduled to run for a month. They killed it in days. Hopefully they will be the only ones barred but they could kill the whole game forever. This is their version of being an AP. No concern for the long haul just what they can get today.
<searching for the world's smallest violin>


Well-Known Member
Elliott, AP's will drive, fly, bus, thousands of miles to play decent games. Small brs dont kill games, Large brs dont bother me either. Its the medium and up coming brs that worry me........
Why???? Medium brs have just enough skill to get into trouble. Young semiexperienced players, usually 2 or 3 in a group. They have no real job, and all of a sudden they get a taste of a few bucks and the "fever" sets in , and away they go!!!!
Gonna live the high life and get rich.............uh huh.........good luck with that.
Elliott you are very naive about this store....very very very naive......
Elliott what table and what hours will you be playing............maybe a phone call to give the store you so love a heads up on your action.....
See its a wild kingdom out there Elliott, Only the fittest survive and all your really doing is outing yourself and killing your golden goose.....
I understand your enthusiasm.......
There might be other "stuff" going on in the area also......
Also your not alone out there in Oklahoma....not by a long shot....

The Chaperone

Well-Known Member
But by all means let us know when they decide to put Jokers in the shoe again...



New Member
NightStalker said:
ELLOITTOK was promoting the place where he works.
Nightstalker, you are both obnoxious and unhelpful to the members of this forum. I was posting current information (which happens to be the same information that the person who started this thread posted originally, except he wrote in much greater detail than I did.) If you're just going to trash talk other members, then why do you participate in this forum? This is a place for players to HELP each other, not a place to be rude to or tell lies about other members who you've never met. Your words and actions make it clear that you are diametrically opposed to the mission of this website, which is to facilitate the coming together and sharing of knowledge between players from all over the world.

Going forward, I hope you'll give up your detestable antics in favor of becoming a productive and helful member of this community.


Well-Known Member
Recently saw this place

Good conditions, but your in oklahoma! They aleppo have the craps with a deck of cards.if you've never seen this its hilarious and super pathetic. played on a craps table but no one is having fun and they all look like they wanna kill themselves