FYI 6/5 SD at El Dorado


Well-Known Member
The El Dorado in Shreveport, LA now has two tables of SD, unfortunately they're 6/5 BJ, also with 10/11 doubling restrictions. Needless to say I didn't bother with it.

Bacchante said:
The El Dorado in Shreveport, LA now has two tables of SD, unfortunately they're 6/5 BJ, also with 10/11 doubling restrictions. Needless to say I didn't bother with it.

What a piece of SH## game!!:whip:

At least the one near me has doa,das, ls, and rsa.



Well-Known Member
Bacchante said:
The El Dorado in Shreveport, LA now has two tables of SD, unfortunately they're 6/5 BJ, also with 10/11 doubling restrictions. Needless to say I didn't bother with it.
EWWWW! D10 and 6/5. Talk about adding injury to insult ...



Well-Known Member
While their SD game is obviously crappy to be fair to the El Dorado their 6D shoe game I believe is a decent game- S17 DOA DAS RSA NS, pen usually 75% tho dealer dependent- sometimes only 66% (I leave) sometimes only 1 deck cut off (83% and I stay :) Sam's Town next door doesn't have RSA but does have LS, same pen. BTW, yes the SD tables at El Dorado always had players. (My favorite ploppy comment about SD/6D was at a casino in Vegas- "I'm not playing 6D, you can't win at that game" and then she sat down at The 6/5 SD two tables away.


Well-Known Member
This must really be a new development as we were there New Years (4 nites).
Of course we spent the majority at Sams and the DD at Diamond Jacks.
I'll bet the SD was usually full or close to it.