Grand Casino Tunica conditions


Staff member
Condition report for Grand Casino Tunica:

I was there on Friday 4/22 at 9 PM. Pretty tough game offerings, with low penetration throughout the casino. Here's what I saw:

Main floor:
(2) 1D, H17, DA2, DAS, No mid-entry, Rule of 6 penetration, $10 - $1000
(3) same game @ $25-$2500

(2) 2D, H17, DA2, DAS, No mid-entry, 50% penetration, $10 - $1000
(3) same game @ $25 - $2500

(9) 6D, H17, DA2, DAS, 66% penetration, $5 - $1000
(9) same game @ $10 - $1000
(3) same game @ $25 - $2500
(1) same game @ $25 - $5000
(2) same game with 21+3 side bet, $5-$1000 and $10-$1000

Hi-limit room:
(1) 1D, H17, DA2, DAS, No mid, Ro6, $50-$5000
(3) 2D, H17, DA2, DAS, No mid, 50%, $50-$5000
(2) 2D,same,$100-$5000.
(2) 6D, H17, DA2, DAS, ?? mid, 66%, $50-$5000


Active Member
Thanks Ken. Any chance you wandered a little South down to Gold Strike and the Horseshoe? I noticed that the Grand Tunica had a little higher minimums listed in their Salon than their Gulf Coast properties. Is $50 always their lowest table limits or was somthing going on to drive their limits past the $25 minimums.


Staff member
This trip I didn't make it anywhere else but Grand and Bally's. If I make the Gold Strike tournament later this month, I'll report on GS, Shoe and Sheraton for sure. (I'm still undecided about this trip though, since it comes only 3 days after I return from an 8 day Vegas trip.)

I can tell you that the games at Gold Strike and Horseshoe have historically been pretty good, with decent 1 and 2 deck choices.

As for the $50 minimums in the Grand Salon, that's probably typical for a weekend night, and I was there on a Friday. I expect you can find a $25 game in there on weeknights.


Active Member
Thanks again. I will be at the Gold Strike tourny. If you decide to get some rest after the week of Hilton festivities, I can post a conditions report on things up there. Good Luck out there. I hope you bring some hardware (and a GREAT BIG check) back to the Deep South.