Greektown Detroit to be rebranded as JACK. Any locals with more info?

Ryemo said:
I’ve posted on a few other forums with no real insight yet. I read this article on CDC Gaming’s website today:

I’m currently holding chips and slot vouchers from Greektown. Have there been any notices regarding swapping out chips yet? If so, can anyone provide a date? Thanks!
Thanks for the update. I still get occasional inbox spam from JACK......I can see if anything is mentioned about this acquisition.....While I don't play much,at Greektown, this is terrible news for Detroit IF they plan to implement the same business model as they did in Cleveland. "The Jack" is a horrible casino in many areas. Check out the reviews. The only positive reviews are left over from Horseshoe ownership ....When they took it over, they killed the slot payouts to state min 85%, implemented 6:5, ruined a great buffet and turned it into,a pure bush league establishment. It sickens me that they ruined the Horseshoe and did this to CLE. It WAS actually fun to,go,there and do very well. Maybe that is why HS failed......

LC Larry

Well-Known Member
I know some people in the area so I'll give you a heads up. Check the dates on your slot vouchers though, as they expire 180 days after you cashed them from that machine.

Side note, Greektown just finished destroying all of their good VP games. No more 9/6 JoB or NSUD. I was told that only one machine is left that pays above 99% and I'm sure that won't last either.

And I'm certain the 3:2 bj will be 6:5 soon enough as well. So far only 4 CSM tables of those that are usually only weekend nights only.
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Well-Known Member
Thx LCLarry. I still have 3 or 4 months before I need to cash my vouchers. I think I have a friend who’s willing to buy the chips if I don’t get there soon. But if you hear any news, I’d still love to know when they’re going to make the transition over to JACK.