Gun Lake BJ


Well-Known Member
21gunsalute said:
The only decent place to eat there is at Tim Horton's. That alone speaks volumes. I take it your last visit was on a weekend, perhaps Veterans Day? I say that because usually they'll have 6 or 8 $25 tables that sit there with nobody playing on them for hours on end during the week. They think it's better to get a few suckers to waste their money at a $25 game then to get 100 or so players playing at a $10 table. Also, their dealers are so terrible they don't want them handling a lot of money, trying to add up hands and/or figure out payouts. They'd rather have them stand around staring into space.
I was there on a Monday at around 1pm for the first time and all of their tables were open but there was quite a few open spots.

That place is a lot smaller than I thought it would be and is definitely in the middle of nowhere.


Well-Known Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
I was there on a Monday at around 1pm for the first time and all of their tables were open but there was quite a few open spots.

That place is a lot smaller than I thought it would be and is definitely in the middle of nowhere.
And yet it's like 4 times larger than FW Hartford.