Gun Lake Casino, Wayland MI - TERRIBLE


Well-Known Member
Another phrase is "don't bother".

A small casino, probably the smallest one in the lower peninsula of Michigan, which has a very nice interior and nice cocktail waitresses to look at, but the gambling is nothing short of poor.

Video Poker left a lot to be desired. The best JoB I could find was $1 8/5 and the $0.25 was 7/5.

The blackjack game is fairly standard for the area, 6D, H17, DAS. However, Aces can only be split to two hands, one card on each, NO resplits. Remaining pairs can be split to four hands. NO surrender. Pen is via a notch in the discard tray, roughly 1.3-1.4. AND DOUBLE MINS TO PLAY TWO HANDS (forgot that part)

The dealers are absolutely TERRIBLE. Painfully slow. May have gotten in three shoes an hour and that's with an ASM. Only a couple pay-off errors that I observed especially since the dealers were adding and re-adding the hands several times to make sure they got it right. Buy-ins were slow, pay-outs were slow, especially with double downs or blackjacks on atypical amounts.

Mid to late morning 6D shoes were $15 min with a few $25. Later in the day they all are $25 from what I hear. They do have some CSM’s at $5 and $10 mins to keep some of the ploppies happy.

Considering its close location to the second largest city in the state, I think it will be awhile until the novelty wears off and they "get with the system" and offer a game that will compete with their neighbors down the road.
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Well-Known Member
But you forgot to mention how generous they are with comps. After spending several hours there and several hundred dollars (okay, well over a grand) I was graced with a whole nickel on my players card! Whoopee! :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
21gunsalute said:
But you forgot to mention how generous they are with comps. After spending several hours there and several hundred dollars (okay, well over a grand) I was graced with a whole nickel on my players card! Whoopee! :rolleyes:
Ouch ...

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Well-Known Member
The blackjack game is fairly standard for the area, 6D, H17, DAS. However, Aces can only be split to two hands, one card on each, NO resplits. Remaining pairs can be split to four hands. NO surrender. Pen is via a notch in the discard tray, roughly 1.3-1.4.

The notch is undoubtedly cut to 1.5 decks. This game WITH H17 and WITHOUT LS sux bigtime !

The dealers are absolutely TERRIBLE. Painfully slow. May have gotten in three shoes an hour and that's with an ASM.

Three shoes in an hour is NOT slow. Twenty minutes per shoe is normal.


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
The notch is undoubtedly cut to 1.5 decks.
Quite possibly, although I was present at the opening of a table when the cards were stacked "just right" in the discard tray and it looked a little "shy" of 1.5.

Regardless, still SUX as you so graciously put it.


Well-Known Member
Forgot to add though

There's one feature that I'm sure one of our frequent posters would appreciate.

They have a Tim Horton's in the food court. Can't stalk the game but can atleast stalk the food court :laugh:


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
Three shoes in an hour is NOT slow. Twenty minutes per shoe is normal.
Hmmm. I usually play at hand shuffled tables that get 3+ shoes per hour, and that's with at least fairly good pen usually. Just as a contrast I played at a different venue recently that had ASMs, and the dealer was so fast she'd get through the shoe before the shuffler was done. Trust me, these dealers at Gun Lake are slow, slow, slow, and I'm not talking just about the speed at which they deal. ;)


Well-Known Member
Also, they have no rules regarding mid shoe entry, which greatly slows the game down. People constantly getting in and out, buying in, coloring up, coloring down. It might be good for wonging in except it's probably too busy most of the time to find a spot when you need one. It would also be difficult not to fall asleep watching the dealers crawl along at a snails pace.
Tim Horton

paddywhack said:
There's one feature that I'm sure one of our frequent posters would appreciate.

They have a Tim Horton's in the food court. Can't stalk the game but can atleast stalk the food court :laugh:
Thanks for the heads up Paddy!:grin:

Some would say that is my official office each morning,,,yes,,,I am addicted to the coffee and bagels:cool::laugh:



Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
Thanks for the heads up Paddy!:grin:

Always a pleasure to enrich your life with fine things my friend.

I may have a tid bit to share on another item as well. :eek:


Gun Lake = license to print $$$

I stopped at GLC on Tuesday afternoon. 80% of slots seats had a butt in them and it looks like a Dutch nursing home. West Michigan "in joke".
The BJ tables were crowded except for the higher stakes tables which had 3-4 seats filled. One thing I noticed was how full the racks/trays were and the rate of house wins. In 1/2 hour watching two 25 min tables the house take had to be about $2500/ table. No AP play took place, just people hoping and wishing for a win. "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride"!



Well-Known Member
Just played there again. Gotta be the worst casino in America! When I went to cash I was informed that they were out of $100 bills!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info. I'm looking out for other places to play in the area and I will cross this one off the list. :rolleyes:


New Member

I agree-- the blackjack dealers suck-- I'm disappointed that the management company-- Station Casinos of Las Vegas, NV is "training" these new dealers and clearly doing a poor job of trying....Gun lake overall is a ghetto ass casino...


Well-Known Member
I got this tidbit second hand, but apparently somebody got kicked out on Monday for "counting cards". He was playing a CSM! :laugh:


Well-Known Member
21gunsalute said:
I got this tidbit second hand, but apparently somebody got kicked out on Monday for "counting cards". He was playing a CSM! :laugh:
I guess that happened in MI twice this weekend!