hello to everyone i have a couple

first id like to say hello to everyone, im relativly new to black jack ive become a blackjack rookie only about a month ago. I found the bs really easy to master but im finding it difficult with the high low system. My question is, has anyone run a simulation comparison to find the results on the soft count system in comparison to the high low method and if so what advantage do i lose by only using the soft count method.


Well-Known Member
scorp1o1 said:
first id like to say hello to everyone, im relativly new to black jack ive become a blackjack rookie only about a month ago. I found the bs really easy to master but im finding it difficult with the high low system. My question is, has anyone run a simulation comparison to find the results on the soft count system in comparison to the high low method and if so what advantage do i lose by only using the soft count method.
Welcome to the game.In answer to your question I am sure ZG or one of the other senior members could/will answer that for you. One thought since you are starting out,unless you plan to be playing quite alot you might consider learning an unbalanced count first( Red Seven, KISS 3 etc...) then grow into a more advanced count.All the best and never give up.:)


Well-Known Member
Need Help

My best advice is to start with K-O system, an unbalanced system, it is the easiest to learn, then after you have got to where you can play this system accuratly in a casino enviroment, then you may find it easy to change over to a more advanced system. The first thing you need to do is buy this book Knock-out Blackjack, this teaches the K-O system, and is a great read for any newby. The book is available on this site under books and software. GOOD LUCK
scorp1o1 said:
first id like to say hello to everyone, im relativly new to black jack ive become a blackjack rookie only about a month ago. I found the bs really easy to master but im finding it difficult with the high low system. My question is, has anyone run a simulation comparison to find the results on the soft count system in comparison to the high low method and if so what advantage do i lose by only using the soft count method.
You lose more than half the advantage with a so-called soft or speed count. Better to learn a HiLo or KO count and just use a single count-based BS (no indices). zg
tks to everyone what

tks everyone for your help what ive been doing for the last like 6 hours is practicing the high opt 2 count i find it a little easier actually than the high low, high opt 2 seemed the better choice for me when weighing betting corolation and playing efficiency i still cant seem to let go of the thought of the soft count is there benefit to using it with high opt 2 making a melding of the two or am i better off in the long run to leave it alone all together?
scorp1o1 said:
tks everyone for your help what ive been doing for the last like 6 hours is practicing the high opt 2 count i find it a little easier actually than the high low, high opt 2 seemed the better choice for me when weighing betting corolation and playing efficiency
WRONG. HO2 will NOT serve you well. The required Ace side-count combined with the needed true-count adjustment will NEVER be accomplished optimally by you, thus you will not achieve better than HiLo or KO results but will work harder for it. Abandon the HO2 now. zg