house edge 2:1

hi all, I have a simple question, but I can't find it with the bs engine: what's the house edge when a blackjack pays 2:1? (ENHC, 6 decks, s17, DAS, no surr. D9,10,11),

thanks Jimmy


Well-Known Member
JimmyFortune said:
hi all, I have a simple question, but I can't find it with the bs engine: what's the house edge when a blackjack pays 2:1? (ENHC, 6 decks, s17, DAS, no surr. D9,10,11),

thanks Jimmy
Strange rule in not being able to double a 6-deck shoe with only 9-11. But if you are allow split up to 4 hands on the rules you stated, then YOU would have a +1.53% advantage.

2:1 Blackjack gives you a 2.27% advantage.
ENHC -.11%
double 9-1 only -.09%

Single deck 0%
Double Deck house edge is .34%
Six-deck house edge is .54%

Just for grins....6:5 Blackjack payoff -1.39%!!!!!!!!
thanks for your answer Mike, you can split as much as you want in this casino (not an official casino, can only play for beer, but making two beers out of one is what every man wants, isnt't it? :p )


Well-Known Member
JimmyFortune said:
thanks for your answer Mike, you can split as much as you want in this casino (not an official casino, can only play for beer, but making two beers out of one is what every man wants, isnt't it? :p )
That sounds like fun <LOL> Maybe I ought to introduce that game in Kansas!