How many $5 blackjack tables at mohegan


Well-Known Member
Speaking only of the Ct property, the $5 tables disappeared years ago. The 6:5 games are $10 minimums. The 3:2, H17 8 deck games are $15 minimums. To get the 6 deck, S17 game will take a $50 minimum if not too busy.


New Member
paymypush said:
Speaking only of the Ct property, the $5 tables disappeared years ago. The 6:5 games are $10 minimums. The 3:2, H17 8 deck games are $15 minimums. To get the 6 deck, S17 game will take a $50 minimum if not too busy.
No i was just at foxwoods they have $1 an $5 blackjack tables they go to $10 at 10am but heard mohegan has alot more


Well-Known Member
Kevin63 said:
No i was just at foxwoods they have $1 an $5 blackjack tables they go to $10 at 10am but heard mohegan has alot more
Did either of these pay 6:5 or require an ante? I'm positive they do.


Well-Known Member
Kevin63 said:
No i was just at foxwoods they have $1 an $5 blackjack tables they go to $10 at 10am but heard mohegan has alot more
There is one, and only one, $1 table at Foxwoods. It is located in in the Fox Tower Casino. It is dealt from a CSM and requires a 25 cent ante for each hand. The ante is waived if the wager is $10 or higher. Table games in the Fox Tower open at 11AM.

There are no $5 tables at Mohegan Sun. There are no $10 Tables at Mohegan Sun that pay 3:2. Not one. If someone wants a $10 game here, it will be 6:5. No exceptions. As I stated, the $5 games went the way of the dinosaur years ago.
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Well-Known Member
By the way, Mohegan Sun has long resisted automatic shuffle machines on their blackjack games. This has changed as they have installed ASMs on the $15 3:2 tables in the Casino Of The Sky a couple of weeks ago. We can finally increase our hands per hour.

Rebecca C

Well-Known Member
Counting_Is_Fun said:
Good to see you posting is the summer going for BJ? Have you been playing on the East Coast?
Muddling along with nothing much to post about. I've been to New England long enough to play a couple of times in the last few months. I'm a California girl and don't get up that way very often with enough time to play, usually just a few hours at PVD or BOS, last time was MHT.


Well-Known Member
johndoe said:
Is pen at MS still as crappy as it's been for the last decade?
It's much improved since they changed the rules. Up until June 2018 every game in the house was 6 deck S17 3:2 with the atrocious pen that you remember.


Well-Known Member
Rebecca C said:
Muddling along with nothing much to post about. I've been to New England long enough to play a couple of times in the last few months. I'm a California girl and don't get up that way very often with enough time to play, usually just a few hours at PVD or BOS, last time was MHT.
By PVD do you mean Twin River? I was there about a month ago and they demanded my ID to cash in $1200 in chips. I refused and we went back and forth until they relented. I have no idea why but it happened once before. Maybe they couldn't see me that well with all the darn smoke in there.

Rebecca C

Well-Known Member
paymypush said:
By PVD do you mean Twin River? I was there about a month ago and they demanded my ID to cash in $1200 in chips. I refused and we went back and forth until they relented. I have no idea why but it happened once before. Maybe they couldn't see me that well with all the darn smoke in there.
Yes, sorry bad habit, I sometimes write in airport codes. I had no trouble at Twin Rivers except some of the customers creep me out.


Well-Known Member
Rebecca C said:
Muddling along with nothing much to post about. I've been to New England long enough to play a couple of times in the last few months. I'm a California girl and don't get up that way very often with enough time to play, usually just a few hours at PVD or BOS, last time was MHT.
Ahh I see, well I wish you well and good variance!