In search of a "subtitle"

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
If I may call on your collective wisdom.

The title of my first bj book is "The Blackjack Zone." Its purpose is not to present high level advice to the advantage community; rather, it is meant for the guy who sucks and is tired of sucking and wants to know why. I spend most of the the book discussing basic strategy, casino comportment, and mythology. I do a quick and dirty job on the High-Low system, then discuss the attitude of the advantage player, and give a few tips and hints for going forward to more advanced advantage play. I finish with a number of essays (and an interview) that give a lot of depth to the experience, without the details. I rail against 6/5, and casino abuse of advantage players.

One other thing I do is to give a lot of softer material -- material that could be considered "what BJ can teach me about life." That is the subject of this month's podium, so you get a sense for what I mean.

So, I am open to ideas for a subtitle. The ones I had were both nixed by my publisher:

"Winning at blackjack and life..."
"Lessons in winning at blackjack and life..."

And, if you want to "slag" me a bit, or give really absurd subtitles, that's fine. Anything that works to help the creative juices to flow...

Thanks in advance,


Stealth Bomber

Well-Known Member
Maybe this will get something started

1) Life's stings and Black Jack's swings.
2) Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Black Jack.
3) Lessons of Life and Sessions of Black Jack.


Well-Known Member
an opinion

Hi Mayor, you posted a picture of the cover and subtitle but I cant find the thread. My first impression of the cover and name title was a sort of gloomy twilight zone effect. The sub-title if I remember correctly was about how to learn winning BJ and use this strategy with life,or something to that effect. You almost imply that life evolves around BJ(well,maybe for some of us:)but since your book is directed at beginners and ploppies, I would change both the sub-title and twilight zone cover effect to happy pictures of bright colors(whatever that may be) and make the subtitle less serious or dramatic. In other words the typical BJ player could not care less about how or why life evolves around blackjack. They just want make a few bucks. Does your new book teach count systems,bet spreads,risk of ruin,etc? If so, a subtitle as simple as "Learn to lose less to win more." may be more attractive or somthing of that effect,but the twilight life stuff sounds and looks too much like a dreamy soap opera of a sort. Just my humble opinion.

Anyhow good luck with your book,
Well first of all...

... I wouldn't recommend a book about "BJ" to a guy who sucks. Risk of ruin is way too high there, and somebody could end up being lifetime stuck, if you know what I mean!

How about "Casino Game Theory and Practice Applied as General Life Skills"?

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Honorable mention

According to the experts, I should expect to earn 4 figures selling this book...

However the decimal point will take 2 of the figures.

Thanks for the good suggestions.