Injected by your friendly casino

If you thought bad variance makes you feel sick, check this out! Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the casino, they're waiting there with a needle for you. Perfectly safe, it's all been inspected by the Mohegan Health Department. They even accept comp points.

Wolf Den Flu & Pneumonia
Clinic Dates Put On Hold

Due to shortages in the supply of vaccine, the flu and pneumonia clinic scheduled for November 10th in the Wolf Den at Mohegan Sun has been cancelled and the clinics scheduled for November 17th, December 1st and December 8th are on hold. For more information on future flu and pneumonia clinic dates and vaccination availability please click here.

Thursday, November 10th 10:00 am - 2:00 pm cancelled
Thursday, November 17th 10:00 am - 2:00 pm on hold
Thursday, December 1st 10:00 am - 2:00 pm on hold
Thursday, December 8th 10:00 am - 2:00 pm on hold

If vaccine becomes available, the flu and pneumonia clinics will be held on the dates listed above in the Wolf Den at Mohegan Sun from 10:00am to 2:00pm. No reservations are necessary. These will be walk-in clinics that are open to members of the public 21 years of age and over with no restrictions.

The charge for the clinic will be $30.00 per flu shot and $46.00 per pneumonia shot. Medicare will be accepted for flu and pneumonia shots. ConnectiCare, Anthem, Health Net, and Blue Cross/Blue Shield and its federal associates will be accepted for flu shots only. Player's Club points will be accepted for the shots as well.


Don't take the flu shots! *PIC*

"The way to prepare yourself and protect your family from this influenza is
not a vaccine or anti-viral drug. If vaccines and/or anti-viral drugs are
offered to you, please refuse them. These actually reduce your immunity."


From Laguna Journal

Critical information concerning the Avian Influenza
Prepare for Avian Influenza!

By Jonathan Campbell, Health Consultant

Various U.S. and U.N. agencies and the Council on Foreign Relations are
spreading the word that the Avian Influenza, if it breaks out this fall or
winter, could be as severe as the worldwide Spanish Influenza epidemic of
1918, and they are predicting hundreds of millions of deaths worldwide.

This influenza, currently isolated in China, is a hemorrhagic illness. It
kills half of its victims by rapidly depleting ascorbate (vitamin C) stores
in the body, inducing scurvy and collapse of the arterial blood supply,
causing internal hemorrhaging of the lungs and sinus cavities.
It has spread to Europe since this article...

Most people today have barely enough vitamin C in their bodies (typically 60
mg per day) to prevent scurvy under normal living conditions, and are not
prepared for this kind of illness. (Vitamin C deficiency is the root cause
of many infant and childhood deaths worldwide, and it is the root cause of
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - SIDS.)

The way to prepare yourself and protect your family from this influenza is
not a vaccine or anti-viral drug. If vaccines and/or anti-viral drugs are
offered to you, please refuse them. These actually reduce your immunity;
vaccines contain many toxic components, such as aluminum and mercury,
and anti-viral drugs interfere with critical body processes. Historical evidence of vaccinations has shown that they actually increase the chances of becoming severely ill. The best way to prepare for influenza is by enhancing your immune system and increasing the amount of vitamin C in your body.

...continued here (mid-page) -

Below, photo evidence that the bird-flu has already struck Southern California!