Interesting Optical Illusion *PIC*


If your eyes follow the movement of the rotating pink dot, you will only see one color, pink. If you stare at the black + in the center, the moving dot turns to green. Now, concentrate on the black + in the center of the picture. After a short period of time, all the pink dots will slowly disappear, and you will only see a green dot rotating if you're lucky! It's amazing how our brain works. There really is no green dot, and the pink ones really don't disappear. This should be proof enough, we don't always see what we think we see.
Very nice! It's happening in the eye

The green dot is of a color that is right near the peak response of the human eye, and the pink dots are actually magenta, which is a mix of violet and red which are at the low ends of the response. Once your eye starts holding still, the green one temporarily bleaches the color receptor cells in your retina as it moves around. Notice the green dot sort of erases the magenta ones as it spins around, the first time the magenta dots disappear. What a nice effect.

If you have a lightweight monitor, focus your eyes until the dots disappear, then rotate your monitor slightly around the focal point. The magenta dots will come back, because they're being focused on a different part of the retina.


Well-Known Member

Take a look at the 3'oclock circle. Near the top of that circle, there seems to be a green right triangle right before the circle disappears.

Felix Rue-de-Guerre

Well-Known Member
Not an illusion.

I Put it in Photopaint, went frame for frame.

Whenever the spot counter-clockwise to to the 12,3 and 9 o'clock spots is missing, there is some sort of visible artifact, like the triangle.