Apples come in different sizes and different colors, but they’re all basically the same thing. Positive/negative progressions are still progression systems. Whether it’s Martingale, Fibonacci, D’Alembert, Contra-D’Alembert, Oscar’s Grind, or whatever, the technique is the same. Some systems are more volatile than others, but the general principles are the same.rogue1 said:Pretty much apples and oranges isn't it?
That volatility can be very useful, because the rate at which you give action action is related to your prior results. I love progressions for clearing bonuses.Sonny said:Apples come in different sizes and different colors, but they’re all basically the same thing. Positive/negative progressions are still progression systems. Whether it’s Martingale, Fibonacci, D’Alembert, Contra-D’Alembert, Oscar’s Grind, or whatever, the technique is the same. Some systems are more volatile than others, but the general principles are the same.