Introduction and Disadvantage Question

Hello All, I am very happy to have joined a forum with such a good wealth of information, and experienced players.

I call Ohio home and own a web design company that allows me the utmost flexible schedule. I have a 5 year old daughter, and a very supportive wife though she does not always understand my business ventures(including this one), she still has faith I have a halfway idea of what I'm doing. :)

I have been practicing counting at home for 6 months, and started playing in East Coast casinos 2 months ago. I have a modest bank roll, allowing me to play at the $25 tables comfortably.

My question, or maybe just asking for opinions is that I am 23 years old and I feel that my age seems to attract attention and ends up being a disadvantage. I usually buy in for $500 at the table and I do not usually spread all that much, though it seems that very often somebody is interested in one way or another.

Just the other day I was playing and a dealer was replaced before shift change (everyone else WAS losing at the table). I got hassled at another place I did not plan on coming back to until I got their players card. Then the pit boss would stop by every 5 to 10 minutes and just watch for a bit.

I even got attention at the cage the other day cashing in $2300, I tried to play it off like I got lucky and not to worry because I would be back in a couple days to blow it all. The manager came out and told me how I needed to open a savings account...come on a savings account? Maybe I should just buy some bonds with it! :laugh:

I'm curious if there is any advice, or how many other people have dealt with this situation?
I'm in a similar situation. I'm just a few years older than you and I feel my age does bring some extra attention given that my max bets go up to 2x1k. Best thing you can do is try to look natural. You want to seem like you are doing this for fun and don't mind losing some money.

From what you are saying it doesn't seem like you are getting much heat. The pit coming over every 5-10 minutes is pretty typical. If they are watching your table like a hawk that's when you need to start worrying. Getting attention at the cage doesn't mean anything. I frequently get a group of cashiers looking at me when I cash out 4k or more. Usually they say something to the affect of "I hope this means you won" or "Wow, good for you!". As far as the dealer change it could have been that you started with a relief dealer or the relief dealer came in. A typical relief dealer will be at your table for about 20 min.


Well-Known Member
HitEmHard said:
Hello All, I am very happy to have joined a forum with such a good wealth of information, and experienced players.

I call Ohio home and own a web design company that allows me the utmost flexible schedule. I have a 5 year old daughter, and a very supportive wife though she does not always understand my business ventures(including this one), she still has faith I have a halfway idea of what I'm doing. :)

I have been practicing counting at home for 6 months, and started playing in East Coast casinos 2 months ago. I have a modest bank roll, allowing me to play at the $25 tables comfortably.

My question, or maybe just asking for opinions is that I am 23 years old and I feel that my age seems to attract attention and ends up being a disadvantage. I usually buy in for $500 at the table and I do not usually spread all that much, though it seems that very often somebody is interested in one way or another.

Just the other day I was playing and a dealer was replaced before shift change (everyone else WAS losing at the table). I got hassled at another place I did not plan on coming back to until I got their players card. Then the pit boss would stop by every 5 to 10 minutes and just watch for a bit.

I even got attention at the cage the other day cashing in $2300, I tried to play it off like I got lucky and not to worry because I would be back in a couple days to blow it all. The manager came out and told me how I needed to open a savings account...come on a savings account? Maybe I should just buy some bonds with it! :laugh:

I'm curious if there is any advice, or how many other people have dealt with this situation?

I think you're just paranoid... From what you're saying, you do not warrant the attention you think you are getting. And I know, because I'm similar to you, just a little more experience. Wait until your first backoff, then you can be paranoid (just a little).


Well-Known Member

Welcome to the forum!
It is nice to have another midwest player.

Since you are new, look around. There is a ton of information here.

I am not in you demographic so my style and camo is different. Drink but don't drink at the tables. Work on your act and have fun.

Make sure you are playing a winning game. Some games in your area SUCK!

Best of variance to you,

blackjacktilt said:
Wait until your first backoff, then you can be paranoid (just a little).
This made me feel a lot better about the situation :), do you get backed off often? or is that how you gauge how far to push it?
Coyote said:
Welcome to the forum!
It is nice to have another midwest player.

Since you are new, look around. There is a ton of information here.

I am not in you demographic so my style and camo is different. Drink but don't drink at the tables. Work on your act and have fun.

Make sure you are playing a winning game. Some games in your area SUCK!

Best of variance to you,
Thanks for the welcome, and as far as midwest games go I actually wouldn't know. I have only played on the East Coast in the past couple of months. If I go west instead I wouldn't mind knowing what games to look out for :) though I'm not at 10 yet so I cant PM.