wandering in the desert, breathing free air, looking for water, adrift in a life raft lost at sea, in need of water in a vast ocean of undrinkable water. water used to be free, now not so much. is air next? yup, but maybe, just maybe we can still score a free roll. our task?, breath that air, get that water in enough time to enjoy it.
getting there, but not quite there yet.
salient points:
Power is the work done in a unit of time. In other words, power is a measure of how quickly work can be done.
Pareto principle 80/20 rule is it valid?
so valid strategy or not, try this:
for power =
work done/
t taken ( obviously if less time for same work done, power becomes greater & one gets the benefit of more time) a double whamee
for what has been a normal 10 hr work day, zero in on extending instead 2 hrs (20% of 10hrs) of
search effort. note: excepting for valid potential play wait time (but move on soon as potential evaporates) over rides the 2 hr limit.
so for, five joints indicates, 120/5 = 24 minutes/ joint searched (actual plays or potential play waits not included, goofing around time neither) also may not be able to actually do it that quick, because real search time may take a bit longer. note: drive time circa 3 hrs . note:
work done above is search work not actual plays made.
need information, know a given joint, # exploitable games, potential advantages #, # potential plays, need to work in here an
estimate of realized plays:
joint ... #
gametype1 .....
ev ..... #
gametype2 .....
ev .....
# gametype2 state .....
ev .....
# gametype3 .....
from the table, hopefully can get a strategy, such as chapter 13, Blackjack Attack has far as optimal departure time, lag time, ect.
post script:
while it’s true that more advantage plays means more pays, and more days put in means more plays, it doesn’t necessarily follow that more time put in means more plays. time put in is trickier than days put in. a day is a day, a macroscopic event. time?, not so much. it’s maybe a microscopic event, like a wave, a fluctuating wave (hopefully with some average within a small probability space). again, a day is a day, time not so much. how small can a unit of time be? how many options (advantageous chances) can exist in some tiny unit of time? it seems the options could be virtually to the limit up to a point or limit (within the bounds of potential advantage). perhaps, a day, is too long, too imprecise, with the chances being so few and far between within a huge vast wildly fluctuating waves of sea of time. in other words, good luck picking a zinger play out of that vast probability space, more like, if it’s gonna happen, it’s just gonna happen, so don’t overdo a day, don’t waste time, apply a bit (maybe a whole lot of bit) of
strategy, to
leverage the time, let the chips fall where they may, and be done with it, for a while. make it not so much a day, but how much time and when of a day. machine gun blast that probability space of time with relatively small bits of
leveraged time, at a time, but not all of the time, sorta thing, your time is vastly too valuable to squander. don’t be like a hopeless, hopeful slot machine player banging away at a 12% disadvantage, while inside his head he’s thinking, if i get in enough spins i’ll hit a zinger payoff. surely he will, but at what cost?, same with banging away time, the most valuable thing we own and the purpose of our endeavors in the first place. it becomes more about the
lever we apply than the weight (wait) of time. the lever is the information available relative to the potential advantage (a number), the average of probable realized plays garnered out of the potential
number of plays. the real amount of time (a number) needed to process these potentials.
it’s like advantage plays, if we can see the fluctuation of play as and how it goes (and we can for some games) then we can know when to take a shot. same with time, if we can discern the fluctuation of events over time, we can better manage it, sorta thing. again, similar to that huge vast wildly fluctuating waves of sea of time, sorta thing, there are aspects of advantage play that can teach us a lesson, there are plays for which, the advantage is able to be captured because the probability space is either constrained or can be constrained to a relatively small area, to where we know something ‘juicy’ is gonna happen within that space. this makes it possible for a relatively small cost to achieve a relatively large payoff. and in those conditions, it can be so, that even if the event we seek to achieve fails, that if the probability space further shrinks, we can possibly take another shot, with an even greater probability of succeeding, again at a relatively low cost to benefit ratio. point being, is it like that for time? dealing with relatively small chunks of anything is for the most part vastly easier and more productive than dealing with huge masses of anything. that’s part of how leverage works it’s magic. the other part normally involves the use of some sort of tool. in the case of time productivity that tool would be information.(example: a nice gnat sized drone equipped with camera, wifi capability to our phone, gathering information would be perfect, but probably illegal and expensive as hell, lol) but hey, we have what we have, so the idea is try and use it. point being again, time and strategy, the time we have to spend, isn’t only valuable for the present, but can be used to collect information for the future. that’s a bit of leveraging, right there. such information can be used for managing expectations, leverage for not only the present but perhaps for the future as well.
so now, got a somewhat understanding of time and dealing with it. got a started up platform chart, so as to put some numbers to it, visa v the idea behind chapter 13 of Blackjack Attack. just a bit more understanding and tinkering and i think this problem shall be licked.