KO system bet spreading


Active Member
Hello, i need some advice

i use KO system. Rules for my game are Eu BJ, 6d, DAS, S17,

i am asking because today something really unusual happened. i normally start my count at 0 and the Key Count is 16, but today the count rised to 35!!! i was really surprized at this count and could not think of a bet i should use. normally i am using 1-8 spread in the range of 0-12 after the Key Count is reached.

do you think in extremely big counts i should rise my normal max bet?

can some1 of you pro AP players advice me some strategies for bet spreading in different counts from 0 to 20 after they Key Count. Thank you


Well-Known Member
You could raise your bet slightly, but not by much. Really, you don't lose much by never varying from the bet spread, even at high counts.


Well-Known Member
Also note that spreading 1-8 in a six deck game will generally result in only a very marginal advantage, unless you are backcounting.


Well-Known Member
assuming that it's a "no-peek" game and penetration is average or worse, I'd recommend backcounting.

I stuck with play-all, probably 16x or 20x, but I'd still avoid as many negative counts as possible.


Well-Known Member
DSky- said:
do you think in extremely big counts i should rise my normal max bet?

The extremely big counts will occur just as often no matter how you have chosen to bet.

If you were happy with whatever spread in the first place, why change?


Active Member
because i thought with so high count my winnings would be much more if i higher my bet spread.

regarding the previous comment - yes there is no peaking and the penetration is 2/3.
and if i use 16-20 bet spread would i get really suspicious to the bit boss ? :(


Well-Known Member
DSky- said:
because i thought with so high count my winnings would be much more if i higher my bet spread. (
Right I know lol. They probably would be - along with higher avg bet, higher stan dev, higher ROR, etc.

How much higher is hard to say but if you like that then why not just plan on doing it in the first place kind of thing? lol.

The main idea is having a clue in the first place so then you can see what changes if you choose a different spread kind of thing.

Brock Windsor

Well-Known Member
DSky- said:
Hello, i need some advice

i use KO system. Rules for my game are Eu BJ, 6d, DAS, S17,

i am asking because today something really unusual happened. i normally start my count at 0 and the Key Count is 16, but today the count rised to 35!!! i was really surprized at this count and could not think of a bet i should use. normally i am using 1-8 spread in the range of 0-12 after the Key Count is reached.

do you think in extremely big counts i should rise my normal max bet?

can some1 of you pro AP players advice me some strategies for bet spreading in different counts from 0 to 20 after they Key Count. Thank you
Im not a pro AP.. but unbalanced counts lose some accuracy in extreme counts so you need to convert to TKO for accurate bet sizing. In your example calculate the True Count then consider each value True Count as adding 0.5% to your advantage over the house edge. The True Count is ((#decks*-4 + RC)/decks remaing) + 4. So if you had 2 decks remaining and an RC of 35 your advantage is about 4% in that game at TC 9.5 Depending on what fraction of kelly you are following you want to be betting no more than 4% of your bankroll. At half kelly (the most I could stomach) you would have 2% of your bankroll out there. I think the KO betramp (which I don't use) has you betting about 1% of your BR at the pivot which is 2/3's kelly. You should be able to guage an extreme bet if you know your advantage and risk tolerance.

SD Padres

Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to be a smart ass and maybe I'm missing something. But..why would someone use an unbalanced system and then refine it to add True Count conversion. That's the beauty of an unbalanced system...no deck estimation and no true count conversion. Might as well use Hi-Lo. What am I missing???


Well-Known Member
1-10 is the minimum spread to make 6D worth playing. If you have the bankroll and there is not much heat, then spread as much as you can, even up to 1-30. With 67% penetration you are playing a poor game and you need to backcount, wong out aggressively, and have a large spread. I doubt there is a lot of heat on this game since the conditions are so bad. The weak pen is the real killer here.

If you are acheiving the 1-10 spread and would like to go higher but lack the bankroll, reserve a higher spread for an upward progression where you are on a win streak. Then you are still playing a winning game, but won't have to endure a "voodoo" lecture on here.

I also like to have some index plays reserved for those extremely high + count situations. Pick a cutoff such as +30 or +32, and round some of the full KO system indices to fit that.

It was a thing of beauty about a month ago when I doubled 8 v 4 with my max bet out and won, right in front of the pit boss who did not bat any eye! Score one for the good guys!

Caveat: If you are not yet playing the regular KO system fast and error free, you may not be ready to add more indices. But mathematically, you are thinking along the right lines (e.g. at some point there might be so darn many 10s in there I should stay on a 14 v 10 or double a 9 v an 8).


Active Member
can u clarify me something else for the beat spreading

the key count in 6d games is +16 [if we start the count at 0].
what is the strategy for using 1-10 or 1-20 spread after i have reached count +16

i mean how many units should i bet on +17,18,19 and etc.. till 32 to say.

regarding the indices is there somewhere i can read how l18 should be applied to KO system? or is there another indice list speicified for KO count?

thank you

p.s. please dont just tell me to buy books... KO blackjack and etc because i live in Bulgaria and amazon, ebay and some other sites cannot ship properly to here....