Local Blackjack O/U game beatable?

One of my local clubs run a blackjack o/u 13 6-deck game with special conditions and I am wondering if there is any real value in it. With real value I obviously mean if theres money to be made from it.
The rules are as follow: S17, double 7-11, DAS, aces are allowed to split once the rest an infinite amount, blackjack pays 3:2, if you bet under 13 and get two aces it pays 3:2, dealer wins at 17, 18, 19 push at 20, 21 and BJ.

Spread is only 3.5:1 from min to max bet.

Now this sounds like a bad game obviously. But let's get to the juicy parts. Like ive mentioned it is o/u.
Penetration is 100%. There is 0% heat. You can backcount, max bet all available slots if the count is good without any concern, etc, etc.

Is this game beatable without a ridicilous strategy like jumping in at extreme counts?
If so, any math wiz with some percentages on the situation?
Any help is deeply appreciated.

Best regards,
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