Making plans for Tunica


Active Member
My wife and I will be stopping in Tunica for a night or two in July on our way home from another location. I would be interested in recomendations for lodging and BJ. I prefer to play 6D games with the best rules possible, but I am a red chipper. Appreciate any suggestions.
Finrod said:
My wife and I will be stopping in Tunica for a night or two in July on our way home from another location. I would be interested in recomendations for lodging and BJ. I prefer to play 6D games with the best rules possible, but I am a red chipper. Appreciate any suggestions.
The Fitz or Goldstrike both have decent rooms. I like the Fitz better because it seemed to be a little quieter. I use to play pretty much only at the Fitz dd game but things have changed a lot in the last few months. The rules at Fitz on pretty much all the games is hit 17,da,split up to four hands, no surrender and usually only five dollar minimums. Like Vegas said its usually pretty easy to get a comp room at Fitz, especially during the week. Don't hesitate to ask a host for one also. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Don't play the six deckers. Pitch games are much better in Tunica. Fitz is sweaty, but should have $5 DD at various times. Surveillance watches for counters.


Active Member
2D Strat

Moo, based on your other posts, I suspected you would recommend 2D. Since it is two deck, I assume you must use a play all strat. True? This may be sensitive and you might want to PM if you can PM me. I am not sure I have enough posts yet. To play 2D, I just need to brush up on 2D BS and any index differences.

Thanks for everyone's input so far. If any one gets more updates, it is much appreciated.
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Well-Known Member
Finrod said:
Moo, based on your other posts, I suspected you would recommend 2D. Since it is two deck, I assume you must use a play all strat. True? This may be sensitive and you might want to PM if you can PM me. I am not sure I have enough posts yet. To play 2D, I just need to brush up on 2D BS and any index differences.

Thanks for everyone's input so far. If any one gets more updates, it is much appreciated.
Hmm, I don't think Tunica allows mid-deck entry. So yeah, you'd need to play-all.


Well-Known Member
Tunica 6 Deck

Recently visited Tunica. Two things have changed since last May. Sam's Town has replaced its 8 deck with 6 deck. Pen is average. If you want comps for rooms, a couple of hours play will get you mailers for rooms in Tunica and Las Vegas. If that is not your goal, better to leave Sam's alone. Horseshoe also has replaced its 8 deck shoes with 6 deck. Pen is dealer dependent. Some dealers gave pretty good pen. If food comps are your thing, Horseshoe is the place to be. Very easy. I understand that 6 deck at Gold Strike is also pretty good, but I didn't get a chance to look. Played double deck and made the mistake of assuming that my red chip play would not attract attention. I spread pretty aggresively and got half-shoed. I then just left.


Active Member
Updates? Goldstrike

Any updates from the last 4 weeks on conditions in Tunica?

Anyone have comments, good or bad, about accomadations and blackjack at Goldstrike?


Well-Known Member
Shoo. If you don't mind my asking. You got half-shoed at DD? Did they cut pen to 1/4 deck? Did they do it at a dealer change or PB instructed the dealer at the table.
I suppose if you hadn't left their next step would have been a back off...
PM me if you'd prefer.
My last visit to Tunica I played green at DD spreading fairly aggressively and never got any heat at Goldstrike or Harrah's? next door. I played rated and I had even recently been backed off at both of their sister properties in my home locale. But that was 2 years ago. I'm sure things are different now... for better or worse I couldn't say.
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Well-Known Member
ohbehave said:
Shoo. If you don't mind my asking. You got half-shoed at DD? Did they cut pen to 1/4 deck? Did they do it at a dealer change or PB instructed the dealer at the table.
I suppose if you hadn't left their next step would have been a back off...
PM me if you'd prefer.
My last visit to Tunica I played green at DD spreading fairly aggressively and never got any heat at Goldstrike or Harrah's? next door. I played rated and I had even recently been backed off at both of their sister properties in my home locale. But that was 2 years ago. I'm sure things are different now... for better or worse I couldn't say.
It caught me by surprise, because I am not used to receiving heat. It was just after I jumped my bet, but heck, it could have been for some other reason. If I remember, the pen was good (maybe 70% or 75%), and at the shuffle they cut the deck to 50%. I may have misused the term half-shoe. I didn't mean they shuffled up, but that they placed the cut card mid-way at the shuffle.


Well-Known Member
No, thats fine. I was mostly interested if you knew if/how the dealer was instructed to cut pen. Pretty sure the dealer would have to be instructed to do so, rather than on his own accord.


Well-Known Member

The way it is done is almost always the same.

The floor person walks behind and past the dealer and whispers the instructions to the dealer while his face is hidden from the player.

Billy C1

Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:

The way it is done is almost always the same.

The floor person walks behind and past the dealer and whispers the instructions to the dealer while his face is hidden from the player.
This is the same time that the floor person changes from being "sir" to "prick"



Well-Known Member
Finrod said:
Any updates from the last 4 weeks on conditions in Tunica?

Anyone have comments, good or bad, about accomadations and blackjack at Goldstrike?
Gold Strike has unplayable single deck for $25, and playable DD, $10-25 mins depending on the time.

Shoes are worse than the pitch, but they have one of the side bets, either lucky ladies or royal match, I can't remember.


Tunica Underwater

If you haven't seen the pictures - I am sure it will take years to rebuild.

Wonder if they evacuated the cash and chips before it flooded.. or if I should rent some scuba gear


Active Member

Yes I am concerned now. Trip is in mid July. I guess I will need to get updates as we get closer.


Active Member

Yes. There is the chance they will be so hungry to get people back that things could be attractive. We will see.