Meet Semyon Dukach

King of hearts?

Semyon Dukach places another bet

By Joseph P. Kahn
Boston Globe Staff | May 10, 2006

NEWTON -- When introduced in ''Busting Vegas," Ben Mezrich's bestseller about a renegade band of MIT blackjack players who made millions outwitting casino dealers in the 1990s, Semyon Dukach is in full James Bond mode, hobbling toward a burning airplane to retrieve a bundle of cash.

Many hair-raising -- and lucrative -- escapades follow. In the book's epilogue, composed roughly a decade after Mezrich's tale ends, Dukach steps forward and tosses a few firebombs of his own, calling the casino industry ''evil" and plugging an instructional DVD of his on winning blackjack, MIT-style. Now meet Dukach in an autobiographical blurb posted on

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