Good luck in Vegas, you're going to need it. This place is still run by the mob, except now they're in corporate and have the gaming commission in their pocket.
Also let me say this. Who gives a rats ass about cover. I split 10s on the daily, wong out agressively, backcount 90% of the time, and i can care less. If they back me off and even threaten to trespass me like Paris did, I'll still keep coming back. So many new players are so scared about getting 'caught', here's some news for you and the rest of the players. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out what you're doing, cover is just wasting money. Your best bet is to play as aggressively as possible and play short sessions. Get the money and move around.
If they back you off, just dont go back on that shift for 3-6 months. They can't trespass you here, at least not legally before asking you to leave each and every other time. I haven't researched other jurisidctions, but I'm guessing it's the same. In PA one pit boss even told me they're not allowed to back you off or trespass you and so they shuffled up on me. Of course I didn't leave and just trolled them for half an hour while smiling the whole time. Was quite the site to see. Start treating these casinos as the brain-dead scum they are and stop being afraid.
I've had 6 black suits line up at my table in Mt. Airy in the Poconos(PA) thinking that would intimidate me. They got their little security guard to do the dirty work and try to request ID off me. Of course I ignored him and got 2 more max EV bets in. Maybe next time they'll have 20 suits to 'scare' the king.