Mini Bash

An informal Mini-Bash is being planned in Honor of Moo and his new Bride:cool:

This will be a gig just to have fun, play many games, eat, drink and be merry, just fun, relaxed time.

Like to have as many of the regulars get together for this Mini Bash for Moo and his Bride as possible,,,as I said informal all the way, fun, food, booze and fellowship:laugh:

PM or call me for the details if you are interested and only previous Bashers or their friends may attend.

Great games of all varieties too.:grin:



Well-Known Member
Neat idea CP! My best wishes to the couple! Remembering all the nice guys from the last bash I'm sure you all will have a great time! :grin:


Well-Known Member
Remember it's not the size of the ship,
It's the moo-tion of the oo-cean! smiley-gen137.gif
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