Mohegan Sun Mid-Shoe Entry

What tables at Mohegan Sun allow mid-shoe entry? I had 2 tables tell me I couldn't do it and 2 that did let me enter mid shoe (one in the earth casino and one in sky).

It was funny because the sky tables were only $15 min and no smoking, so I'd prefer to play there anyways. I didn't notice any unfavorable rules, all have late surrender, DAS, BJ 3:2, S17, and what looked like 6D with ok pen.

Does it just depend on the dealer? Or does it depend on the table?


Well-Known Member
I can only speak to Connecticut. Was there a sign on the table indicating NMSE? As a rule it is allowed on any of the main floors. There are always exceptions. A high or semi high roller may, for whatever reason, not want to play in the high limit pits. He can request NMSE and it can be granted. There is usually a sign though. Was this on a weekend?
Hi @paymypush! Thank you for the reply. And thank you to the admin for adding me to this most excellent forum.

Aww yes, I should have been looking for a sign before spending all that time hovering around the table while "watching" the basketball game on the TV.

I don't remember there being a sign, but I wasn't looking for one. It was true the tables that refused my mid shoe entry were higher end ($100 min).

Also, this was this past Sunday. But I can play any day as I'm local.


Well-Known Member
That sounds like one of the high limit pits where NMSE is the norm. In fact it was just a couple of weeks ago that I tried to go to two hands in high limit and was denied because of that rule by an overzealous pit. Usually it's not a problem.