More wisdom, please?

I can't quite find an approximate value of my expected win rate given 'my' particular playing situation.'s 'profit calculator' doesn't take into consideration specific playing rules. Rather, just the strategy used, the penetration, the total bankroll and betting spread.

My supposed 'most profitable' playing situation is

-Double deck
-Double on 10-11 only
-Dealer hits s17

Trash for the most part...but the casino gives 70-80% penetration consistently, and I can get away with mild wonging. That is, I can backcount and come in when the count is positive, though I am somewhat commited to staying in for the rest of the 'shoe' for longevity's sake. (Last time I went, I actually sat down and played ONLY on positive counts. This lasted for about and hour and finally the dealer told me to stop and allowed me only to play through the entire 'shoe'.)

Anyways. That's my playing situation. I use wong's havles with the illustrious 18 strategy numbers and a 1-6 spread ($5 to $30, for now)

Input? Resources?

I certainly don't want to 'waste my time'. Though, in addition to petty comps, I am happy making 5+ dollars an hour in the long run until I can build my bankroll up.

Poor college student ftw :laugh:

Thanks in advance,

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Well-Known Member
With a 1-8 spread, you can make about 2 units/100 hands at this game in a play all situation. Since the game is D10 and NDAS, you should not increase you minimum bet until the true count reaches +2 using hi/lo. Penetration is the most important factor in any game, so figure out which dealers give the best pen. and try to play them more than others.
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Well-Known Member
wouldn't playing a 1-6 spread attrack a lot of heat? I'm in canada, and canadian money combined with hi minimum tables (10$), which are always full so its more like the lowest minimum is at the 15$ tables... and at a 15$ table, where most people besy minimum or double the minimum, playing a 1-6 spread means I could be betting up to 6 times the unit bet so 6 x 15 = 90$. That's almost 100$, I don't think I have ever seen someone bet that amount at these tables... so do you think playing a 1-4 spread is better for not getting banned from playing bj at your local joint? or you would still stick to the 1-6 spread to maximise your advantage?
No heat. I don't even care about heat. I play aggresively yet subtlely.

I almost want to get backed off. haha. I doubt they will though. Casinos around here don't really care unless you're betting $50+ per hand.