MS Gulf Coast report


Well-Known Member
Was in Gulfport and Biloxi this week...August 27-29.
Played at the Hard Rock, Beau Rivage, Treasure Bay, Isle of Capri and Island View. There were several $3 games if you don't mind playing 6 deck shoes and ASM. There were 6 deck shoe games for $5 at every casino. BJ paid 3:2, Insurance 2:1, most were dealer stands on all 17, double any first two, DAS, multiple splits allowed, no surrender. There were plenty of SD games for $5 and $10 min, all were 6:5 and limited splits and doubles. Several casinos are (finally) offering DD pitch for less than $25. You can play DD with all the good rules on a slow weekday at the following....
Island View in Gulfport for $15.
Treasure Bay in Biloxi for $10.
Isle of Capri in Biloxi for $15.
All the casinos offered $5 min craps and Isle of Capri even had a $3 min craps table.
The only Casino to offer the 4:1 odds for a flush in three card poker was Treasure Bay. All the rest have the diluted 3:1 odds for the flush.


Well-Known Member

What casino is your favorite there? Comps good? ( I just got back from playing in Lake Charles. Been thinking about going to Biloxi.)


Well-Known Member
What is important in selecting a favorite?

What constitutes fovorite, atmosphere (casino layout), rooms, good games, food, comps, dealers, fellow players?


Well-Known Member
Best Games

IMHO the only good game is two deck pitch, 3:2, double any two, double after split allowed, multiple splits allowed, etc. Did I leave anything out?
Anyway, most of the casinos have this game available. Up until recently, when the competition returned to pre-Katrina, this game was only available for $25 min. Now you can find it for as low as $10 min. Woo-Hoo!
Back to your question... Treasure Bay had $10 min, but they have a small casino. The atmosphere was less than desirable (to me) but I would return just to play for the $10 min. Isle of Capri had a $15 min table. I would play there because the casino staff is VERY friendly and the atmosphere more than makes up for the small temporary casino they are currently in. The new permanent casino is still under construction. Beau-Rivage is Beau-Rivage, they have a fantastic Las-Vegas style and size casino, but the staff is just fair. They only offer the good game for a $25 min. Not worth it to me when the other casinos offer it for less. I do like the buffet at Beau! The craps staff is friendly and the dealers in the low limit, shoe, BJ pit are friendly also, but not enough to make me change my game! Island View in Gulfport was real good. They offered the good game for $15 min and had a great staff. Their buffet was fair, service was poor, but the food was good. The C&G cafe in the casino was terrific. The new enlarged casino at Island View is real nice. I will play there again, even though it is higher than Treasure Bay. Hard Rock has a great casino, casino staff, and buffet. They are working real hard to take (pull) customers from the other casinos, and you can tell. They are real friendly and loose with the comps. I played craps while at Hard Rock and didn't get a chance to check out the BJ tables. I will return there, just to check it out and use some of the good comps they gave. The Hard Rock is a little loader than the other casinos, but that comes with being Hard Rock. I have not been to IP, Palace, Boomtown, and the Grand in several months. The last time I went was like back in February. At that time they did not have the good game for less than $25. Maybe someone else can shed some light on these other casinos.
All the casinos offer 6 deck shoe games with all the good rules for $5 min.
I am going back to Biloxi next week for several days. I am going to be staying at Beau-Rivage, Hard Rock and Island View. Maybe I will have time to check out the other casinos.
Just a closing note, I was in Laughlin recently, and had a blast. They had $10 and $15 min two deck pitch at most casinos, on slow weekdays.


Well-Known Member
rd: will be in Biloxi next week. Thanks for the report, I think it matches CBJN for the most part. Hard Rock did not report to have good DD games.

PM me if you want to meet up and will be there from 9/24 to 9/28. I arrive Monday and leave early Friday. Looking forward to it, as it seems to have come a long way since my last visit in June 06. Beau was not even open then.


Well-Known Member
Biloxi trip

I will be there 9/25 to 9/28. In Biloxi I plan to stay at Hard Rock and Beau. Then I will spend one night in Gulf Port at Island View. I will be with my wife, my brother, and his wife.
As you said, I too would like to meet up...
Where are you staying? And where do you plan to play?
As you have seen in my posts, my game of choice is DD pitch with all the good rules. Sometimes that limits the places I will play. I don't think that will be a problem this trip since I will only be there during the weekdays when it is slow. If you have not been to the area in a long time, be advised (inadvance) that some of the casinos in Biloxi consider the start of the weekend on (as early as) Thursday. Some of the low limit games start to disappear before Friday.


Well-Known Member
Biloxi update

A Biloxi update. I was able to double check the Hard Rock for BJ. They do have a DD pitch game that was $15 min. Was a great game! Had two great dealers trading off for breaks. Both placed the cut cards by hand, no notch in the discard tray. The pen was pretty fair most of the time. Most of the time they cut out (only) about half a deck. The scooping up of the cards was not to fast. You were able to see the bust hands.
There is no report change for Beau Rivage, Isle of Capri, or Island View.
One note of interest, On other trips some of the casinos, not all, changed their table min on Thursday to the weekend rates. That is pretty much the norm. All the $15 min DD is gone Thursday and replaced with $25 min.
Craps tables you can still find for $5 min but at night most of them go up. Actual day time weekend (Sat and Sun) I don't know about, as I am never there on the weekend. Someone else may be able to shed a little light on the weekends.


Well-Known Member

tribute said:
What casino is your favorite there? Comps good? ( I just got back from playing in Lake Charles. Been thinking about going to Biloxi.)
After the second trip....
Hard Rock and Island View for BJ.
Island View and Hard Rock for Craps.
In that order.

For comps..Hard Rock, Beau and Island View.

For atmosphere and staff..Hard Rock, Beau and Island View are all a push!

For rooms.. Hard Rock (HANDS DOWN) then Island View!


Well-Known Member
I recently played during the weekend at the palace they had DD games for $15 with 60% pen.
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Weekend vs. Weekday

avs21 said:
I recently played during the weekend at the palace they had DD games for $15 with 60% pen.
If the Palace had $15 min DD on the weekend, is it possible they have the same game for less on a slow weekday?

Was this 3:2, and did this game allow you split any two, double after split, etc. The good rules??


Well-Known Member
rdorange said:
If the Palace had $15 min DD on the weekend, is it possible they have the same game for less on a slow weekday?

Was this 3:2, and did this game allow you split any two, double after split, etc. The good rules??
They have $10 on the weekdays and it is 3:2 DA2, DAS same rules as the other casinos. I do not think I have ever seen a 6:5 DD game in Biloxi.


Well-Known Member
Double Deck 4 $5

My brother is in Biloxi this week and sent an update today...

Hard Rock has DD with 3:2 and all the good rules for .......

$5.00 min...... :celebrate WOOWSER!

He said it is during the day. At night it went up. But wow! That is unbelievable. That is IMHO the best counting game out there. If you are learning, this game is great. The count restarts frequently.;) If you mess up, you don't have to wait too long for a shuffle.:laugh:

I have already made my reservations for next week. I'm going for three nights and four days. Will be staying at the Hard Rock and IP.


Well-Known Member
The Grand....NOT!

Any body ever notice the lousy comps, or the lack there of, from the Grand, or the Total Rewards group (Harrah's)?

I've been there dozens of times trying to get rated into their system and nothing seems to work. The Grand is part of the Harrahs Group. They offer the Total Rewards card at their casinos. I have had the same players cub number from Caesars LV, Grand Bx, Harrahs LV, Harrahs Ln, Paris LV, and Rio LV since 2000. They all send me junk mail and token coupons, except, nothing at all from the Grand, Biloxi. Harrahs Laughlin sends me more than all the rest combined, and I have been there only once. At least they gave me a weeks worth of free room and board (then meals and airfare).
For example, when I go to the Grand, and give my players card to the pit crew, I ask about available credit for comps and such. They always say that all there properties are connected and linked together, NO PROBLEM! Then they ALWAYS return and say there must be a problem with the system and they can't pull up my other play from the other properties for some reason. This excuse is lame and really getting old. I have stopped asking and will probably only play their establishments that appreciate me! Harrah's Laughlin!
I wonder what the difference is in the different establishments that this can occur?

Anybody else notice this?


Well-Known Member
October update

Not much changed since my last trip. I did not get to check the Palace out for their low limit DD. Island View had DD for $15, Beau had their usual DD for $25, and Hard Rock had their DD for $25. The pit at Hard Rock was willing to lower the $25 table to $15 when it was slow. All I did was ask and they dropped it. They closed the high limit room several hours later, because it was so slow, and made the $15, $25 again, but it was 8:00 pm by then and approaching peak hours. Craps was always $5 min, the only place that was lower was Isle of Capri, $3 min during the slow week days.

$5 min 6 deck shoes, every where and all the time!

Never did find DD for $5
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Well-Known Member
rdorange said:
Any body ever notice the lousy comps, or the lack there of, from the Grand, or the Total Rewards group (Harrah's)?

I've been there dozens of times trying to get rated into their system and nothing seems to work. The Grand is part of the Harrahs Group. They offer the Total Rewards card at their casinos. I have had the same players cub number from Caesars LV, Grand Bx, Harrahs LV, Harrahs Ln, Paris LV, and Rio LV since 2000. They all send me junk mail and token coupons, except, nothing at all from the Grand, Biloxi. Harrahs Laughlin sends me more than all the rest combined, and I have been there only once. At least they gave me a weeks worth of free room and board (then meals and airfare).
For example, when I go to the Grand, and give my players card to the pit crew, I ask about available credit for comps and such. They always say that all there properties are connected and linked together, NO PROBLEM! Then they ALWAYS return and say there must be a problem with the system and they can't pull up my other play from the other properties for some reason. This excuse is lame and really getting old. I have stopped asking and will probably only play their establishments that appreciate me! Harrah's Laughlin!
I wonder what the difference is in the different establishments that this can occur?

Anybody else notice this?
Yes, I had two trips to Tunica, in July and August, both fully comped from Harrahs three casino's there. I swear they must have taken me off their mailing list, the only thing I recieved was a single invite to stay on my birthday, other than that I received nothing. I just assumed they screwed up something.


Well-Known Member
If not for my wife...

I had a winning session this last trip to Biloxi.......If my wife hadn't lost sooo much I actually would have come home a winner. She lost more than I could win.


Well-Known Member
Heading back to MS

Aye'll be back in Biloxi and Gulfport this week.
Once again aye will be in search of the elusive DD for $5 or $10 min. If aye can't fiynd it, aye will ave to settle for the best specimen I can get, $15 or $25. Will try my and at craps also. :laugh: :laugh:

I'll be there Monday to Thursday, and possibly Friday. Staying at IP and Island View.


Well-Known Member
Good trip, fair report

Had a good trip $. Craps was an even bet this trip. Maybe a small gain if anything. If I can only stop betting on other players. My own rolls were profitable. Again, I did not get to the Palace. I played the same casinos as last time. Tough report from Beau. On a slow Tuesday, At Beau, they only had one DD table with $25 min. All the rest were min $50 or $100. The 3:2 shoes were min $10 and $15. They are trying to establish a high limit clientele. In spite of the high limits, the place was still crowded. Hard Rock, Isle of Capri and Island View were all the same as before, $15 min daytime and $25 min during peak. Pen at Island View was real weak this trip. Best was near 50%. I saw the table at Isle but did not play. Best pen was Hard Rock.
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