Multiple Sessions Same Day

Hi all, new here. Not a pro or advanced player, so forgive my lingo if it's not up to par. Anyway, I've been playing blackjack as my primary game choice on weekends for about a year now.

My session usually is an hour (more if I'm chasing losses or greedy). That being said I may play Sat. and then again Sun. Sometimes both sessions are wins, loss, or one of each. I'm aware of the variance.

Disregarding losses and emotion the way I define session is adhering to a strict time limit then taking a break for at least 30 minutes or longer.

This weekend I'd like to do multiple sessions in a day granted funds are available. Despite the variance, how have you fared playing multiple sessions in a day? Recommend this approach?


Active Member
A basic strategy player should be able to play all day while drinking heavily. If counting, it depends on the mental effort expended.


Well-Known Member
It is good to put in volume; the more you play, the more you should theoretically win. Especially if you can spread your play around many stores so you don't burn one in particular out.