My Blackjack Training program


Well-Known Member
I thought I would post the way I am practicing my Blackjack game, if it is helpful to someone great and if any of the seasoned AP's want to comment, add, criticize, praise or destroy it feel free :D

Basic Strategy.
For a S17 game I know it cold and here is how I learned and stay up on it.

Broke the chart down into sections

Hard hands
Soft hands

Created blank print outs 1 section at a time and filled them in by hand old school style.

Have an app on the phone that shames BS errors.

I also took 2 decks and stacked them so I would continuously get dealt the section I was working on.

For the longest time I did not understand what "weak cards" were. So the dealers 5 or 6 is a milestone in my mind that helped me make decisions (make sense?)
Currently besides playing I just recite to myself the chart or scribble it down on a blank sheet of paper. I can do it perfectly while very drunk...

Hi Low is what I am using. I was terrible at counting.

Shuffle one deck and burn a card and then flip 1 at a time and count it down. Once I was consistently able to identify the burn card, I started timing myself. I am between 25-30 seconds for one deck.

The only thing I really do while counting down is try and pair as much as possible. I never really adjust the count up and down by one. I am either canceling or adding and subtracting by 2 (is there a better way)

I use the CV software and it really helped.

Discard estimation

Took a Popsicle stick and measured one deck in the tray at a time and marked it out on the stick. I always round down. I am far better at deck estimation in real time than on the software (is this common)

For practicing purposes I bet equal to the true count and this helps get me in the habit of constantly re calculating the TC


My least favorite part.....

Using the index numbers from BJA. Learning the 10 splits but do not plan to use them. Same with a6v2 and 8v6 knowing the chart says DD but just going to hit in real play.

I have note cards and I write down the count and the changes that take place, Sometimes I fling them at my wife. I also study the index numbers in the chart no tricks just repetitive practice

To put it all together.

I have yet to sit down at a real table. I stalk and back count then I go home. I do need to work on my act, I feel that I look like an escaped mental patient instead of a curios gambler. I actually get bored because the dealers and players are so slow (is this a good or a bad thing)

I have a little table set up at home with a shoe and discard tray and some chips, and I play alone or with my wife. Try to carry on a convo, tv is always on in the background and I am occasionally forced to help her add up our hands and help with BJ 3-2 payouts. Sometimes I do a count check @ 3 decks other times I just keep playing.

I also play a lot in the CV software. The Deal speed is up pretty high i am guessing all bars but the animation bar is around 75-80% to the right. Sometimes I play a full table and sit out and try and back count the other players. Most times I just play doing a count check once or twice a shoe.

When I play I hold the RC in my head and cancel the hands as much as possible. I always wait for the second card to come out before I calculate. I dont add up the others players hands but I do my own as the software doesnt do it for me. Advice I got on these forums are calculate the count first then add your hand. Very helpful when I am dealt a low total and have to hit multiple times.

I am about 4 months into this world of BJ and this forum and some of the true AP's here which I discovered about a month ago, have been quite helpful

Thanks for taking the time to read!

Mr. Morphy
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Well-Known Member
@Morphy it's as if i was transported back in time (12 years ago), reading your story above.:rolleyes:

far as slow dealers and players, your reaction is normal, get over it, but don't worry if you can't because no one can, lol.

far as feeling like an escaped stalking mental patient, just me maybe, that's a normal feeling as well. don't take the following statement the wrong way, but those are feelings that stem from a loss of innocence. not a loss of innocence in the sense of committing a nefarious act (ie. crossing the line between the dark side and the light side), but a premeditated covert action that is not in league with probably 99% of the people in the joint (casino staff included, who would consider it a nefarious act), too where if a melodrama were written about your exploits, you would be the culprit (not evil, but definitely not normal) in the crowd. an advantage player doesn't think like probably 90% of the people on the planet, ok 90% of the people on the planet do think that way, but only perhaps 5% of the time and then so only in a clueless sort of way, whereas an advantage player thinks that way 90% of the time. the transition from that 99% to the 1% is an awkward feeling, has an archaic primordial sense about it harking backwards in time probably to our evolutionary roots. survival of the fittest has a not so pleasant emotive sentiment (eg. a pack of wolves devouring a fawn) about it. through mental capabilities, tools, logic, math, science and ethics mankind has dominion over matter, energy, spacetime, plants, animals, this also extends over our fellow man and the activities (think business) thereof. again, in an evolutionary sense, the act of using advantage is a fact of life. our quandary is to continue on that journey in an ethical manner. if one can achieve that, the feelings of discomfort should dissipate. in essence, we want to keep our hearts in the right place, that way, our actions should follow suit, perhaps not always perfectly, but overtime and action ever towards perfection and genuine satisfaction.

LV Bear

Morphy said:
Currently besides playing I just recite to myself the chart or scribble it down on a blank sheet of paper. I can do it perfectly while very drunk...
You should not even think about drinking while playing, regardless of how well you think you perform while drunk.

Joe Mama

Active Member
I do not drink anymore, but back in my drinking days I remember drinking only a couple of beers then practicing on the computer. The volume of mistakes was a real eye opener.


Active Member
That's a good idea. I should try that Joe Mama. I almost never drink, but there are a few casinos in which I have. I should see how CVBJ rates my drunk play and find out if it's really as error free as I think it is. It very well may not be.
LVBear584 said:
You should not even think about drinking while playing, regardless of how well you think you perform while drunk.
How about stoned?
Kidding aside, my software practice is notably faster on nicotine, one of many proven cognitive enhancers.


Well-Known Member
LVBear584 said:
You should not even think about drinking while playing, regardless of how well you think you perform while drunk.
I agree totally.. I have never played blackjack in a casino, but at home my play severely declines after a couple...