New Canada Forum


Staff member
Welcome to the new Canada forum! Thanks to bankrollboost and other members for the suggestion.

My first Canadian casino experience was quite recent, when I flew into Buffalo and drove across the border to Niagara Fallsview for the Canadian Masters of Blackjack tournament. It was a great event. Well-run, and lots of friendly people. I should have made the final table, but I made a small but costly error in the semifinal round (which happens to be the topic of my article in this month's BJ Insider.)

Anyway, welcome again.
Hey Ken, thanks for the recognition. Hopefully having the section will make some more Canadian visitors more at home. I'll try and contribute in any way I can to the section. The fallsview casino is pretty nice. Its only a couple years old. Too bad you didn't take the prize... there is always next year :D


New Member
Vancouver BJ rules

Anyone know what the BJ rules are for Vancouver based casinos? I am assuming they are the same for all of them (ie. governed by the same government agency?)
