Just wanted to introduce myself. Obviously by my name I am a Chief in the US Navy. I have been reading on the forums for about 2 months. Been playing blackjack off and on for 8 years. 8 3/4 of those years was playing bad and losing. I have since started using BS and adhering to it religiously or as best as I can. I took a bad beating last week of for $1200. I spent a week calming down and regaining my composure, and have been on fire Sun-Today. I am up around $9,000 for 3 days and am leaving shortly for my Casino here in MN. I havent got the hang of counting yet. i am good with math just not in my head, plus I am easily distracted in the Casino. Basically I am here to learn and share experiences both good and bad. So that I can improve my game and help others as well. Nothing I hate worse than and idiot sitting at a table a fcuking up everyone else.