New member from Minnesota.


Hey everyone, my name is Delimeats and I'm just writing this post to say hello and I'm looking forward to enjoying the resources this site will give me as a card counter. I'm not new to Advantage Blackjack but I am new to the site. I'm currently studying the hi-low system. I'm very fortunate enough to live in a place with multiple casinos around me. If nothing else I get from this forum site then just talking to some very knowledgeable people then that's fine with me. And if anything, we can share some war stories .

Spyros Acebos

Active Member
DelMeATs, first FREE lesson. Do not disclose your name, address or general location when posting online in card counting or other AP websites. You should check with the moderators to see if they can remove your threads identifying where you are located (or at least it appears you have).


I really don't know how to react to that but I guess first and foremost is my real name is not deli meats haha and second, Minnesota is a pretty big state lol. Third, I appreciate your Insight and any other insight from any of the members on this forum but I'm not in need of any of your lessons. Good luck to you.